Monday December 18th

  • Div. 6 will be taking part in a sweatshop Tuesday. The students have started learning about sweatshops as we have begun reading Iqbal and will continue this into the new year. 
  • This is the last week of school until January 8th. 
  • Please sign report cards and return them before the break
  • No choir
  • Your child can bring items to donate to our classroom auction (Today and tomorrow) Please write a note and sign that you are allowing the items to be given to the auction.
  • Grade 6’s are making gingerbread houses Thursday
  • Ice skating is this Thursday. Currently we do NOT have enough drivers. If you or a family member can drive, please let your child know.

December 15th 2017 Friday

1 Show parent your report card

2 Ask your parents if they are able to drive for skating

3 Bring stuff for the auction

4 Auction is on monday and tuesday

5 Sweat shop on Tuesday

6 Grade 6 ginger bread house bring candy

7 Finish your yarn art

8 Finish your paystub

9 Grade 5 math test signed

10 Grade 6 math test signed

Monday December 12 2017

1 Breakfast food drive

2 French test on Tuesday

3 Special parent meeting notice

4 Grade 5 math test on Tuesday

Sorry that the blog was not being done the last couple of days. This is due to the computers at forest grove being down. However they work now so we will go back to the normal blog every day

December 7th Thursday 2017

1 Grade 5 math homework

2 Hot lunch Friday

3 Snow boarding/Sking notice Monday

4 French test Tuesday

5 Science experiment Friday

6 Slime is now banned

Ask your child About Anne Frank

December 5th Tuesday 2017

1 Grade 6 math homework page 83 (Wed)

2 Skating notice

3 Holidays around the world Australia (Wed)

4 Tennis notice

5 Study french ABC

December 4th Monday 2017

1 Grade 5 math homework page 25 1-4

2 Skating notice

3 Tennis notice

4 Grade 6 math homework page 82

5 Study french ABC

December 1 Friday 2017

1 Grade 5 math page 22 1-6

2 Holiday around the world Australia

3  Study french ABC

4 Skating notice due monday

5 PE strip Monday

November 30th Thursday

1 Grade 6 math test 6x tables

2 Grade 5 math homework 1-2 page 19

3 Finish banking

4 skating notice Monday

5 Food drive bring breakfast or money

6 Bring a homogeneous and hetergeneous mixture

November 29th Wed

1 Grade 6 math homework page 80 1-4

2 Food drive bring breakfast

3 Skating

4 Math test signed

November 28 WED

1 Skating notice

2 Math 6 9d page 76 practice 6 x tables

3 Grade math homework page 16 4-8 A and B only

4 Tennis Tommorow

5 review french ABCs