Feb.26, 2018

1.Study French.

2.Gr.5 math quiz tomorrow.

3.Boys’ basketball game tomorrow.

4.Reading article quiz tomorrow.


1.Science due on Tuesday to Ms.Worobets.

2.Gr.5 2 by 2 division and multiplication quiz on Tuesday.

3.French quiz on Tuesday.

4.Sign both reading articles

5.Basketball practice on Monday.

6.Science quiz on Thursday.

7.Science quiz: 3 main functions, 2 minor functions, parts of a bone, bone names (scientific names), and definitions.


Feb.22, 2018

1. $1 snack tomorrow.

2.Hot lunch tomorrow.

3.French quiz on Tuesday.

4.Sign both reading articles.

5.Gr.5 math (pg.106 #1a, 2a,c,e,g,i,k,3-5 due tomorrow.

6.Science song bonus. Study bones.

7.Boys’ basketball practice tomorrow.

Monday, February 19 2018

1. Gr.5 math homework
2. French quiz (tues)
3. ypc (tues)
4. Gr.6 math homework page 144 #1-4 (tues)
5. Gr.6 math quiz (wed)

Tuesday February 13th 2018

  1. Gr.5 math homework page 98 #1-5(wed)
  2. Gr.6 math homework page 151 #1-2(wed)
  3. Valentines day (wed)
  4. Bring food if you want to(wed)
  5. Baby sitting course (fri)

Feb.9, 2018

1.Last day of Candy Grams.
2.No school on Monday.

Feb.7, 2018

1.Gr.5 math (pg.95 #7-13 due tomorrow).

2.Gr.6 math (pg.141 #3-5 due tomorrow).

3.Sign Gr.5 math quiz. Due on Tuesday next week.

4.P.E leaders tomorrow: Aiden, Ethan, Jack.

5.Boys’ basketball practice at 7:45 on Friday.

Feb.6, 2018

1.Sign and correct Gr.5 math quiz.

2.Answer S.S questions.

3.Finish Gr.5 math multiplication questions.

Feb.5, 2018

1.Gr.6 math (pg.137-138 #3,4,6,7).

2.Choir tomorrow.

3.Gr.5 math (pg.94 #1-5,7).


Feb.2, 2018

1.Boys’ basketball practice at 7:45 am on Monday.

2.Bring gym strip on Monday.