May 2, 2018

1.Gr.5 math: study your math worksheet.
2.Gr.6 math (pg. 237 #1-4) due Thursday.
3.Freedom Writers next Tuesday.
4.Bring goat money.
5.Boy in the Striped Pajamas Reflection.

May 1, 2018

1.Boy in the striped pajamas reflection due tomorrow.
2.Dance club notice.
3.Respect feather due Thursday.
4.Bring $2 to buy a goat.

April 27/2018

  1. Grade 6 math homework Page 229-230 numbers 1-8
  2. Grade 5 math Page 188 numbers 1-8
  3. Goat donations are 2 dollars

April 26/18

  1. Hot Lunch on Friday
  2. lemonade sale one dollar for lemonade
  3. Dance club bring black pants and girls tie up your hair
  4. Bring back quilting tickets if you did not sell them(due Friday)
  5. Bring Goat donations

April 25\18

  1. Book fair after school and at lunch
  2. Grade 5 math homework work sheet questions 4,6,7
  3.  Student Led Conferences tomorrow
  4. early dismissal tomorrow at 1:47
  5. Grade 6 math homework  pages 221-222 1,2,3
  6. hot lunch 0n Friday

April 24/18

  1. Student Led Conferences on Thursday
  2. Early dismissal on  Thursday and Wednesday
  3. Grade 5 math Fraction worksheet
  4. Grade 5 math test signed by Wednesday
  5. Quilting tickets have to be handed in by Friday
  6. hot lunch on Friend

April 20/18

  1. Pro-D-Day Monday
  2. Hot lunch on munch a lunch .com
  3. good copy skeleton drawings (zoom coloured,background, label bones, zoom parts of the bone, fine line)
  4. Student Led Conferences on Thursday

April 19/18

  1. Grade 5 math quiz on lessons 1-6
  2. Pro-D-Day on Monday
  3. student parent tea on April 20
  4. Student led conferences on Thursday

April 18 2018

  1. Grade 5 math quiz on friday
  2. Alyiaa and Banah are on gym tomorrow
  3. Pro-D-Day on Monday

April 16\18

  1. Baked goods for our Guest (tomorrow)
  2. Grade 5 Math pg 216 1-9 ( wed)
  3. movie form due (Tuesday)
  4. grade 5 activity notice went home
  5. after school program is Tuesday this week
  6. Lillian Nemetz (Holocaust survivor) tomorrow
  7. French and social studies projects due tomorrow
  8. Choir practice Tuesday and Wednesday
  9. Malala video is being shown tomorrow