Thursday, Oct.4th 2018

This week students did the following:

  1. Science: Created and worked on core questions for their planet project (Green duotang, Green booklet). Watched a Bill Nye Video on Planets and the Sun.
  2. CAPP: Students were hired and trained for their jobs in The City Game.
  3. ART: City Posters were completed and hung above each city/group.
  4. PE: Played Dodge Ball
  5. S.S: This will be a mapping unit which will start in two weeks so that we can implement our Science unit.
  6. Math: Students have been learning about place value. Grade 5’s to one million and Grade 6’s to one Trillion.


  1. Young People’s Concert Notice due Oct. 9th
  2. School donation notice
  3. Grade 6: Unit 2 Lesson 1 #1-15 (Fri)
  4. Grade 5 Math Unit 2 Lesson 4 #1-5 pg. 51 (abc only) due (Fri)
  5. No school on Monday
  6. P.E strip (Tues)

Wednesday, Oct. 3rd 2018

  1. *Grade 5 math unit 2 lesson 3 pg 46 #9 – 13 (thurs)
  2. *Grade 6 math pg 46 – 48 #1 – 16
  3.  Picture day tomorrow 

Tuesday, Oct. 2nd 2018

  1. Math 5 page 45-46 6-8 (wed)
  2. Summer school program notice
  3.  Research the solar system

June 4

  1. canoeing trip tomorrow (bring long shirt and worm cloths)
  2. Lonnie swim tomorrow bring swim suit on Wednesday
  3. grade 6 math page 269 numbers 1-6

May 30 2018

  1. Grade 6 math questions 1 and 3 page 269
  2. Respiratory picture due Thursday
  3. Walk-A-Thon tomorrow don’t forget to dress as a nerd
  4. loonie swim notice
  5. Cultis Lake notice
  6. canoeing on Tuesday

May 29 2018

  1. ideas for truth (aboriginal performance)
  2. Walk-a-thon nerd outfit long socks, taped glasses tuck in shirt
  3. math grade 6 Questions 1-6 page 265
  4. math grade 5 3D picture due Wednesday
  5. respiration booklet  over due
  6. respiration picture due Thursday (no zoom)




May 28 2018

  1. Respiration rough draft paragraph due tomorrow
  2. Grade 5 math 3D pictures due Wednesday
  3. walk-a-thon  nerd costume on Thursday
  4. respiration picture due Thursday: good copy
  5. Cultis lake field trip notice
  6. deer lake canoeing trip notice
  7. lonnie swim notice
  8. Respiration worksheet due thursday

May 26

  1. Respiration ruff draft due Tuesday
  2. Grade 6 math homework page 258 numbers 1-5 due Monday
  3. grade 5 math convert cm mm and m
  4. respiration work sheet due Tuesday
  5. Respiration picture due Tuesday: good copy

May 23

  1. digestive pictures due on Thursday and digestive writing over due
  2. summer reading notice
  3. human rights paragraph due on Friday
  4. Friday is pajama day, movie day (boss baby), and hot lunch

May, 22/18

  1. digestive paragraphs due Tuesday
  2. Grade 5 math test on Wednesday
  3. hot lunch is on Friday (White spot)