Wed. Oct. 31st/18

  1. Ms.Q math 6 show what you know page 81
  2. Happy Halloween

Tues. Oct.30th/18

  1. Bring treats (tom) 
  2. Math Ms.Q  lesson 9 #1-7 (tom)
  3. Hot lunch (tom)
  4. Math 5 page 62 #8-11,13 (tom)
  5. Wear costumes (tom) 
  6. Reading article (tom)
  7. Halloween (tom)

Thurs. Oct 25th/18

  1. Monster Mash (Fri)
  2. Grade 5 math page 58 #5-8
  3. Hot lunch (Wed)
  4. Next Wednesday we will watch a movie and have treats. 

Science: Students chose an inquiry question they started to do research on. 

S.S: Students are learning about mapping. This week we realized that most of the students think about electronic maps (GPS) rather than paper maps.

Math: The whole school is working on increasing their word problem skills.  

Reading/Writing: We worked on reading strategies – drawing tiny pictures and circling key points as we read, highlighting questions and answers within the article and summarising paragraphs into our own words. 

Art: We have spent a LOT of time creating our planets out of paper mache for the solar system we are building on our ceiling. 


  1. Math 6 Ms.Q Lesson 7#1-7
  2. Math Grade #1-4 abc only (Thurs) 


  1. Hot lunch notice
  2. Math 6 Ms. Q Lesson 5 #8-14
  3. Grade 5 math Quiz Signed 
  4. Grade 5 math page 55 #4-12 abc only

Thursday October 18 2018

  1. Get science signed
  2. Grade 6 Ms Q Unit 2 lesson 4 #13-15
  3. Monster Mash notice
  4. Bring gym strip Monday
  5. Pro-D Day Friday
  6. Grade 5 study for retest
  7. Hot lunch notice

Wed. October 17th 2018

  1. Pro-D day (Friday)
  2. Monster Mash notice (Friday)
  3. Hot lunch forms 
  4. Bring photos (tom)

Tuesday October 16th 2018

  1. Grade 5 math homework page 67 10-13
  2. Grade 6 Math Ms.Q Lesson 3#10-17
  3. Pro-D day Friday
  4. Monster Mash notice
  5. Hot lunch forms
  6. Bring news paper (Tom)

Monday, Oct. 15/18

  1. Unit 2 lesson 3 grade 6 #1-9 ms.Q
  2. Bring gym strip (Tuesday)
  3. google docs notice (oct.18)
  4. Pro-D day on Friday
  5. Monster Mash notice 
  6. Bring photos home
  7. Choir notices 

Oct 9, 2018

  1. Young People’s Concert Tomorrow 
  2. *Math Grade 5 page 66 #1-3 (due Wednesday)
  3. *Math Grade 6 Mrs Qin Review Unit/Test Tomorrow
  4. *Math Grade 6 Miss Mitchell Quiz Friday & pg 72-73 #10 e & f, #11
  5. Fundraising Notice (due Oct 31)