Tuesday Dec. 4th 2018

  1. skating (Tom)
  2. Math 5 mini quest (thurs)
  3. Bring candy for ginger bread houses (Fri)
  4. Bring Breakfast items
  5. Bring auction items with a note
  6. Get pay reflection sheet signed
  7. secret Santa december 13th

continued… Thursday Nov. 22 2018

Many students were away from our room today, either for We Day or because they were sick… Term 1 ended today and Term 2 will begin next week. Congratulations to all the students for a successful term.

In Math 5 today we gathered all the emergency bags from each room, sorted and counted all of the supplies to ensure we are prepared for an earthquake.

Art: Students have completed their 3-D planet for our classroom and another planet for our school hallway.

Reading/Science/Writing: Students responded to their last reading article and completed their research on their Science question.

S.S/Writing: Students completed their hand drawn maps of an amusement park they designed. They also completed 5 questions that went along with the map.

P.E: We completed our volleyball unit and the students have gotten very good at keeping the ball going. Very impressive to watch and play with them.

Enjoy the long weekend!

Please note that I write a blurb like this each Thursday, but it looks like some of these posts were saved for review and were not posted. My apologies, I will keep an eye on that. 

Mrs. Zanette

Monday, Nov 19

  1. *Grade 5 Math pg 30 #1-4
  2. *Grade 6 Mr N homework sheet
  3. Gym strip
  4. Pro D Day Friday
  5. Math 6 Mr N Quest
  6. Maps due Thursday

Wed. Nov. 14/18

  1. Map (next week)
  2. Math 6 Ms. M bring phone (tom)
  3. Math 6 Ms. M Quest (fri)
  4. Hot lunch (fri)
  5. Note: All grade 5 students chose to write their math quiz today and all did very well. 

Tues. Nov. 12/18

  1. Math 6 pop quiz Mr,N (Tom)  
  2. Math 5 mini quest unit 1 lesson 1 (thurs)
  3.  Math 5 booklet (wed)
  4. Math 6 page 58 Q.16-17 9tom) Ms. M

Note: Students are working on an amusement park for S.S, due next Thursday.

Thursday, Nov. 8 2008

  1. Math 5 Pg. 8 #1-6 (Not #5) Due Tuesday
  2. Math 6 Ms. M Pg. 58 #12-15
  3. Remembrance Day Assembly Friday during Math 
  4. No school Monday
  5. Pay due to your Bank Clerk Friday
  6. Bank Clerk books due Tuesday/Wednesday

Science: Students learned about Google Docs and have been doing research for a Science Question they chose.

S.S: Students labelled the continents of a map and will be looking at other parts of a map.

Art: Tomorrow students will be finishing their 3-D planet for our classroom solar system and begin working on a paper version that will be placed in the hallway for the school to see. 

Writing: Students worked on writing sentences and expanding their writing. They will be working on paragraph structure next week. 

Reading/Writing/S.S: Students researched for their Science question this week and read a book on Remembrance Day. Today students responded to “Do we do enough to remember those who have sacrificed their lives and health for others? After watching a clip for Remembrance Day, listening to a read aloud and having a debate on the same question, the students returned to their desk and answered the question again. This was done to see if their was growth in expanding their answer. 

Wed Nov. 7/18

  1. Grade 5 math quest
  2. Mr. N get test signed 
  3. math grade 6 work sheet 
  4. bank clerk work due Tuesday
  5. Chocolate fundraiser 
  6. grade 5 work sheet

Tues Nov.6/18

  1. Math Mr.Nussbuamer Test grade 6

Monday Nov 5th 2018

  1. Math 5 Unit 2 Test/Quest (Tuesday) Please review estimation
  2. P.E Strip (Tues)

Note: Due to the teacher being in meetings today, Planners were not signed as they should be. My apologies.



  1. Get reading signed (tom)
  2. We day November 22
  3. Grade 6 math show what you know unit 2 (Fri)
  4. We day notice singed November 8

Math 5: Students did not have Math today. Next Tuesday they will be having a Unit 2 Test. Please help your child review estimating and rounding.

Science: Students now have their Google Docs account. This means they can work from home as well. Students can be working on their Science Inquiry question.

S.S: We worked on a map of Canada today; Provinces, Territories and Capitals.

Reading: Students are bringing home an article they completed that needs to be signed. We will continue to work on more articles. We are working on pulling more supporting details from the article.

Art: Students will be adding textures to their paper mache planet tomorrow.