Tues. Dec 18/18

  1. no math homework
  2. winter concert (Wed) come at 6:15 pm wear black, green, red, and white
  3. bring treats for the movie (Thurs)  grade 6 gingerbread
  4. pancake breakfast wear pajamas (Fri)   bring report card cover (Wed)

Mon. Dec 17/18

  1. math 6 Mr N page 118-119 #1 a,c #2 a,b,d unit 3   math 6 Ms M bring device  math 5 no homework
  2. secret Santa gift (tom)
  3. bring your mug (Thurs)
  4. pancake breakfast (Fri)
  5. winter concert 6:15 pm (wed)


  1. math 5 quest (Mon.), math 6 Ms. M #2-7 pg. 94, math 6 Mr. N unit test next week.
  2. Secret Santa (Tues.)
  3. hot lunch (Fri.)
  4. report cards come home (Fri.)
  5. pancake breakfast (Dec. 21)
  6. girls basketball  after school 3:00 – 4:15.

Wed. Dec.12/18

  1. Math 5 page 31 #7-10
  2. Math 5 unit one Quest (Mon)
  3. We had our auction today and everyone had a great time! It’s not too late to bring in items such as clothing, toys or anything that you want to get rid of. So, feel free to donate an item with a note from the Parent/Guardian allowing your child to bring the item.

Tues. Dec. 11/18

  1. math 5 quest (Mon)
  2. math 5 #6-11  (Weds)
  3. math 6 #1-12 long division (Weds)
  4. secret Santa (next Tues)
  5. Me To We raffle
  6. hot lunch (Fri)
  7. the auction (tomorrow)

Mon. Dec. 10/18

  1. Math 5 #1-5 page 27
  2. Math 5 get test signed
  3. math 6 Ms. M # 4-9 page 90-91
  4. Math 6 Mr. N long/short division
  5. Bring auction items with a note
  6. Secret Santa December 13th
  7. Hot lunch (Fri)
  8. Report cards (Fri)

Fri. Dec. 7/18

  1. Bring gymstrip (Mon)
  2. Bring breakfast items
  3. B.C (Tues)
  4. Secret Santa December 13th
  5. Bring auction items with a note
  6. Report cards go home on December 14th

Thursday. Dec. 6/18

  1. Math 5 pg 24 1-6 (Fri)
  2. Bring candy (Fri)
  3. Girls basketball (3:00-4:15
  4. Bring breakfast items
  5. Pay (Fri)
  6. BC (Tues)

Wed. Dec. 5/18

  1. Math 5 mini quest (Thurs)
  2. Bring candy for ginger bread houses (Fri)
  3. Secret Santa (Dec. 5th)
  4. bring breakfast items
  5. bring auction items with a note (Dec.12)

Our apologies

Hello everyone, we apologize as we just learned that our Blogger`s posts were not posting for him. They are now working. Sorry for any inconveniences.

  • Mrs. Zanette