Thurs. Feb. 7 2019

  1. Boys basketball practice (tom) 7:30-8:00
  2. grade 6 Ms. M math quest (tom)
  3. jump rope for heart
  4. get grade 5 math quest
  5. get math quiz signed Mon grade 5

Wed. Feb. 6 2019

  1. bake sale (Mon)
  2. grade 6 math quest (Fri)
  3. S.S. mapping quiz (tom)
  4. dance club notice
  5. pink shirt day
  6. boys basketball (Mon)
  7. S.P. due 19 boy basketball

Tues. Feb. 5 2019

  1. math 5 mini quest (tom)
  2. science project due Feb 19
  3. bring tablet and phone
  4. green Microsoft notice
  5. social studies mapping quiz Thursday

Mon. Feb. 4 2019

  1. white board felt (wed)
  2. math 5 pg 114 #10-15 (Tues)     quiz unit #3 lesson #1-6 (Wed)
  3. math 6 Mr. N pg 183 #8-11 (Tues)
  4. math 6 Ms. M pg 111 #1-5 (Tues)    test dividing decimals (Fri)
  5. S.S. map quiz (Thurs Feb 7)
  6. bring devices
  7. PE strip (Tues)

Friday, Feb. 1st.

  1. Math 6 – Ms. M. page 107 number 9 – 13
  2. Scholastic orders
  3. Boys basketball practice Mon. 730 – 830 am
  4. Drop in program gr. 6,7, 8
  5. Bring gym strip Mon.

Thurs. Jan. 31 2019

  1. science #1-6 (fri)
  2. art (fri)
  3. banking (fri)
  4. math 5 pg 94 11-14 sentences (fri)
  5. scholastic (wed)
  6. pink shirt notice (fri)

Wed. Jan. 19 2019

  1.  science project due Tues Feb 19
  2. tom Mr. N rap Fri
  3. boys basketball practice tom 7:30

Friday Jan. 25 2019

  1. professional day (Mon)
  2. science world (Mon)
  3. paystub (wed)
  4. French due(wed)

Thurs. Jan. 24 2019

  1. hot lunch (tom)
  2. boys basketball  7:30 am Fri
  3. professional day Mon
  4. math 5 page 94 1-4 A-D and #5 (due Fri)
  5. newspaper notice
  6. pay
  7. science world Tues
  8. grade 7 frozen yogurt and popcorn Fri

The students have been learning about three ways to communicate with people; assertively, aggressively, passively. Students have been doing role plays this week and writing reflections.


Mon. Jan. 23 2019

  1. hot lunch Friday
  2. science world Tuesday
  3. pro d day Monday
  4. math 5 page 87 4-9
  5. math 6 Mr. N page 176 # 1-5