Sunday, Oct. 4th 2020 ~ Welcome Division 3!

Hello Division 3

Please look at our classroom blog each day and encourage your parents to do the same – especially if you want them to stop asking what you have for homework ; ) Let them take a look for themselves : )

  1. Math is due Mondays to Thursdays for everyone
  2. Math 6B – please make sure your math has been marked
  3. LWW – complete the questions and read up to chapter 3 (Tues.)
  4. P.E strip daily – remember we will be outside a lot this year.
  5. RESUMES (Tues.) – we are applying for our jobs this week.
  6. City Posters – please ensure your posters are completed this week.
  7. Teams and Email – please begin to check your email regularly and take a look at Teams as we will be doing assignments through Teams from time to time.

Note: If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to email.

Hope everyone had a good Terry Fox Run.

~ Zanette


march 5 2020

  1. pe strip
  2. math 5 pg 169) 5-9 (a-c)
  3. *movie night tom
  4. recorder notice
  5. auction items 
  6. report card march 11

march 4 2020

  1.  math 5 pg 168 #1.b due tom
  3. lestters are due tom
  4. recorder notice tom
  5. noviee night fri

safis bad at spelling – safi

march 3rd 2020

  1. pe strip
  2. recorder notices due tom
  3. movie night notice march 4th
  4. math 5 pg.168-190
  5. pg 81-40 math 4

safi is still a piece of garbage – safi

march 1 2020

  1. pe strip
  2. recorder motice
  3. movie night notice

safi has bad spelling – safi march 2020

feb 26 2020

  1.  P.E strip
  2. music form
  3. pro-d-day (fri)
  4. student led (tom)
  5. math test corrections

Feb 25/20

1] p.e strip 

2] music form [march 6th due]

3] pink shirt day [tom]

4] pro-d-day [fri]

5] math 5 purple sheet


feb 20th 2020

  1. pe strip 
  2. *pay
  3. hot lunch bring own fork
  4. gecko math/mathsheet
  5. student led
  6. pink shirt day

safi is very cool B)

feb 19th 202

  1. pe strip
  2. student led notice
  3. hot lunch
  4. math test corrections
  5. gecko math

Feb 18th 2020

  1. jecko math
  2. pe strip
  3. jumprope for heart
  4. hot lunch