Wednesday, December 30th, 2020

Good evening-




  1. Caius’ birthday will be tomorrow.



Thank you-

Friday, December 18, 2020

Good evening-



Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!



Thank you-

Thursday, December 17th, 2020

Good evening-




  1. There will be no math homework.
  2. Ms. Zanette would like students, (in both groups,) to review multiplication and division. Or the long division sheet the grade 5/6s have been working on recently.


  1. Your child is allowed to wear their PJ’s tomorrow.
  2. We will be watching a movie tomorrow, (we do not know which one, but I assure you it will be appropriate.)
  3. Mr. Gurney will be giving every student hot chocolate and a treat.



Thank you, and Merry Christmas/Hanukah-

Tuesday, December 15th, 2020

Good afternoon-



This week

  1. We will be doing bingo tomorrow.

Report Cards

  1. We will be getting our report cards tomorrow.


  1. Read 20 minutes.

Physical education

  1. P.E strip



Thank you-


Monday, December 14th, 2020

Good afternoon-




  1. There is no math for either group.

The City Game

  1. The students were hired today.

This week

  1. Tomorrow we will be watching The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe, your child is allowed to wear their pajamas, (no stuffed animals or blankets please,) because of COVID 19, we are not allowed to bring them, because they carry to many germs.
  2. Tomorrow we will also be doing Secret Santa, and participating in a Dance, that the intermediate dance group will be performing.
  3. It is pajama day on Friday, (as well as on Tuesday.)



Thank you-

Friday, December 12th, 2020

Good afternoon-



Secret Santa

  1. We will be opening our gifts on Tuesday.

Physical education

  1. P.E strip.

Door prize

  1. The door prize will be judged on Monday.




Thank you-

Wednesday, December 9th, 2020

Good afternoon-



Physical education

  1. P.E strip.
  2. There will be P.E tomorrow, so please bring your gym strip.


  1. There will be music tomorrow.




Thank you-

Tuesday, December 8th, 2020

Good afternoon-




  1. Math 6 a, page 126, 1.
  2. Math 5/6, 3 questions.

Secret Santa

  1. We will be opening our gifts on Thursday.


  1. There will be Music tomorrow.


  1. Please finish your character letter by Thursday.


  1. Please finish your name art.



Thank you-

Monday, December 7th, 2020

Good afternoon-




  1. Math 6 a, please get test signed.
  2. Math 5/6 & 6a, Place Value and decimal sheet due tomorrow.

Physical education

  1. There will be P.E tomorrow so please bring you gym strip.

Secret Santa

  1. Ms. Zanette has sent you an email telling you; your child needs to bring their homemade gift, wrapped and in a plastic bag.


  1. Read 20 minutes.


  1. Read chapter 16.


Thank you-

Wednesday, December 2nd, 2020

Good afternoon-




  1. Math 6 a, test tomorrow.
  2. Math 5/6, test tomorrow.


  1. There will  be music tomorrow.

Military letters

  1. You are allowed to type up your letter at home if you want.

Physical education

  1. P.E strip.
  2. There will be P.E tomorrow.


  1. The secret Santa gifts will be due on December 8th.


Thank you-