Thursday, February 18, 2021

Good afternoon-




  1. Math 5/6 and 6a, quiz signed.

Physical education

  1. P.E strip.


  1. Library books.


  1. Paragraph signed.
  2. Article signed.

Science and Social Studies

  1. Disease or Disorder.
  2. Activist or Company.


  1. Anna had her birthday today.



Thank you-

Wednesday, February 17th, 2021

Good afternoon-





  1. Math 5/6 quiz tomorrow.
  2. Math 6a, multiplication questions.


  1. Music tomorrow.

Physical education

  1. P.E tomorrow.
  2. P.E strip.

Waves of Words

  1. Your Waves of Words has been sent.


  1. Pick a disease or disorder.

Social Studies

  1. Activist or Company.




Thank you-

Tuesday, February 16th, 2021

Good afternoon-




  1. Math 5/6 and 6a, quiz Thursday.


  1. Music tomorrow.

Physical education

  1. P.E strip.


  1. Science quiz tomorrow, (Circulatory system.)


  1. Read 20 minutes.




Thank you-

Thursday, February 11th, 2021

Good afternoon-





  1. Math 5/6 and 6a, quiz Wednesday.

Pen Pal

  1. Pen pal letters due tomorrow.


  1. Science package, (blue.)
  2.  Science project disorder/disease, due Tuesday.
  3. Circulatory quiz Wednesday.
  4. Circulatory worksheet, (blue.)

Social studies

  1. Social studies topic, child labour, (companies that use it,) or an activist of any age.

Physical education

  1. P.E strip.


  1. Family day Monday.


  1. Library books tomorrow.

Waves of Words

  1. Due Tuesday, typed and emailed to Ms. Zanette and Ms. Service.




Thank you-


Wednesday, February 10th, 2021

Good afternoon-




  1. Math 5/6 quiz signed.

Physical education

  1. P.E strip.

Waves of Words

  1. Your piece must be in by Tuesday, and you must email it to Ms. Zanette and Ms. Service.

Social studies

  1. Your child has been asked to make a project on a person who has stood up for rights. It could be a poster, power point etc.



Thank you-

Tuesday, February 9th, 2021

Good afternoon-




  1. Math quiz tomorrow.

Physical education

  1. P.E strip.


  1. Music quiz tomorrow.
  2. Music tomorrow.


  1. Pen pal letter due Friday.
  2. French questions.


  1. Respiratory booklet due tomorrow.

Waves of Words

  1. Piece of work due Tuesday.



Thank you-


Monday, February 8th, 2021

Good afternoon-





  1. Math quiz on Wednesday. The questions will all be multiplication: 1 by 1, (example: 2×4=,) 1 by 2, (example: 3×16=,) 2 by 2, (example: 23×26=.)


  1. There will be a music quiz on Wednesday.

Physical education

  1. P.E strip.

Waves of Words

  1. Your piece of work is due around the end of February


  1. Pay due soon, (for bank clerks.)

Valentines day

  1. Your valentines cards, chocolate etc. will have to be quarantined, please bring it in one day before needed.





Thank you-

Wednesday, February 3rd, 2021

Good afternoon-





  1. Math multiplication


  1. There will be music tomorrow.

Physical education

  1. P.E strip.
  2. There will be P.E tomorrow.

Waves of Words

  1. Your child has been asked to create a ‘Word’ document, and write a story, poem etc. Please have them in before next Tuesday. They may also do this at school.




Thank you-

Tuesday, February 2nd, 2021

Good afternoon-





  1. Math 5/6 and 6a, math sheet.


  1. Music tomorrow.

Social studies

  1. Social studies booklet.

Gum day

  1. Gum day tomorrow.

Physical education

  1. P.E Strip.



Thank you-

Monday, February 1st, 2021

Good afternoon-




  1. Math 5/6 and 6:

Halving and Doubling:

a) 9×8   b) 9×9   c) 7×7   d) 5×26

Front page of math sheet.



  1. Digestive worksheet due tomorrow.

Social studies

  1. Human right blue book.

Physical education

  1. P.E strip



Thank you-