Mon. April 19/21

1). P.E strip

2).Math 6A: Pg.195 #9-10 (Tues)

Math 5/6: Number line

3). S.S week 3


*Map for Week 2 (late) The map must have 5-10 key points with pictures, facts, dates + names

April 15/21


1). P.E strip

2). Basketball notice

3). Math 6A: Pg.194 #1-8 (Fri) no 6

4).Library books

5). S.S week 2

April 14/21


1). P.E strip

2). 5/6 math quiz (tomorrow)

3). Math 6A: Pg. 179 #7-11 (minus 8)

4). Read-a-thon

5). P.E tomorrow

6). Music tomorrow


7). S.S

Tues. April 13/21

1). P.E strip

2). Math 6A: Pg. 178 #1-5 (Weds)

3). Read-a-thon

4). S.S week 2 (3-5 key points and questions)

5). Music tomorrow


6). Read 20 mins

Monday, April 12, 2021

Good afternoon-




  1. Math 6a, page 175, 10-13.
  2. Math 5/6.

Physical education

  1. P.E strip.
  2. P.E tomorrow.
  3. Bandannas.


  1. Read-a-thon.
  2. Read 20 minutes.

Social Studies

  1. Week 1: Early Peoples.
  2. Week 2: Exploration and the beginning of Immigration.


  1. Today was Jeremy’s birthday.


Thank you-

1). P.E strip

2). Math 6A: Pg. 174 #7-9

3).Library Books

4). Bandanas

5). Read-a-Thon (read 20 minutes)

*S.S (Early People)

Thurs. April 8/21

1). P.E strip

2). Math 5/6 math HMK

3). 6A Pg.174 #3-6 (a+b only)

*S.S research

4). Read-a-thon

Wednesday, March 2nd, 2021

Good afternoon-




  1. Math 6a, page 165 6-8, due tomorrow.
  2. Math 5/6 questions.

Physical Education

  1. P.E strip.


  1. Science project.

Social Studies

  1. Socials project.


  1. Music tomorrow.


  1. There will be a zoom call on Friday with our Pen Pals.



Thank you-

Monday, March 1st, 2021

Good afternoon-





  1. No homework.

Physical education

  1. P.E strip.
  2. There will be P.E tomorrow.


  1. Science mini project.

Social Studies

  1. Social Studies newspaper.



Thank you-

Monday, February 22, 2021

Good afternoon-




  1. Math 5/6 and 6a, no homework.
  2. Learn how to use a clock.

Social Studies Project

  1. Fill out yellow sheet.


  1. Science research.

City Game

  1. Bank clerks need to finish doing pay.


  1. Read 20 minutes.

Physical education

  1. P.E strip.
  2. P.E tomorrow.


  1. Today was the day of Girl Guides-thinking day.




Thank you-



Thank you-