May 10/21

  1. P.E strip
  2. Math 5/6 number 4 complete

Math 6A: Pg. 199 #9-13 (8 optional)

3. Math 5/6 study Math quiz (Weds)

Math 6A study  Math test (Thurs)

4. Skeleton Booklet

5. Student Leds (Thurs)

6. Early dismissal (Weds)

Thursday, May 6th, 2021

Good afternoon-



  1. Math 6, page 193 6-11.


  1. Skeletal booklet

Physical education

  1. P.E strip.


  1. Read 20 minutes.


  1. Edit story.


  1. Zoom call tomorrow.


  1. Library books.



Thank you-

May 5/21

  1. P.E strip

2. S.S Pros and Cons list

3. Push and Pull Factors

4. Math 6A: Pg. 193 #1-5 (Thurs)

5. Math 5/6 Ratios

* Stories

6. Music tomorrow

* Basketball (Fri)

May 4/21

  1. P.E strip
  2. Math 5/6 hmk
  3. Math 6A: Pg. 188 #8,10-13
  4. Music tomorrow
  5. S.S map (Weds)

*Stories (Weds)

6. Science

Monday, May 3rd, 2021

Good afternoon-




  1. Math 6a, page 188, 4-7.
  2. Math 5/6 questions.

Physical education

  1. P.E strip.
  2. There will be P.E tomorrow.

Social Studies

  1. Map booklet due Wednesday.


  1. Skeletal booklet.


  1. Read-a-thon.


  1. Edit story, (due Wednesday.)

City Game

  1. Bank Clerks.


Thurs. April 29/21

1.) P.E strip

2.) Library books

*Write a ‘thank you’ letter to health workers (Tues)

*Basketball (Friday)

3.) S.S Map (May 5)

*Read-a-thon (Friday)

4.) Math 6A: Pg.188 #1-3 (Monday)

Wed. April 28/21

1). P.E strip

2.) Math 6A: Pg. 188 (1-3) Due: Thurs

3.) Music Tomorrow

4.) Read 20 mins

5.) Get Ready for Debate

6.) S.S quiz tomorrow





Tues. April 27/21

1.) P.E strip

2.) Music (tomorrow)

3.) Math 5/6

*Map S.S (May 5th)

4.) Read 20 minutes

5.) S.S Quiz (Thurs) -This quiz is about the previous weeks.


Thursday, April 22nd 2021

Good afternoon-



  1. Math 6a page 183 7-11, due tomorrow.
  2. Math 5/6 quiz signed.

Physical education

  1. P.E strip.
  2. Bandannas.


  1. Library books.


  1. Pro-D-day Monday.

City Game

  1. Bank Clerks need to finish checking their clients pay.



Thank you-


Wed. April 21/21

1.) P.E strip

*S.S week 2 maps


2.) Music Tomorrow

3.) Math 6A: Pg.182 #5-6 (Thurs)