Parts of Student’s Science Projects


Oct 22 -Monday’s Homework

  1. Math 5 Quiz signed (Tues) We will do corrections in class on Tuesday and students can bring the quiz back home if you like.
  2. Math 5 Pg.62 #1-5 (a & b) (Wed)
  3. Science Project is due (Tues) Remember that you will be using the rubric to mark your project tomorrow. Wednesday you will have the afternoon to make changes and chat with your peers for ideas. Thursday it is due.
  4. Bank Clerk Books (Wed)
  5. French Quiz -Days of the Week (Tues)


Oct 18th-Thursday’s Homework

First of all, I’m noticing that the homework is not being posted every day??? My apologies, I will look into that. Division 3, it looks like you all had a great day with the T.O.C yesterday. That is wonderful to hear!

  1. Science Project should be completed or very close to completed by Tuesday. I am concerned as I am in the classroom looking at a lot of posters that have barely been started??? If you left something at school, than please find a way to get most of your project done this weekend.
  2. Math 5 pg. 58-59 #1-3 (a,b,c), 5,6,8 (Mon)
  3. Math 5 Unit 2 Test next Friday
  4. Math 6? Hopefully you wrote this in your planners yesterday? (Mon)
  5. Grade 6’s who want to be Peer Mediators, this is due Tues
  6. Your 5 favourite and most interesting key points for your Science Project and you need to link 3 or more of the Science PLO’s to these points. (Mon)
  7. Banking should have been completed and handed in yesterday (Please have for Mon if you have not completed this)
  8. P.E (Mon)
  9. Library -you may have some books you took out for research (Mon)
  10. Blog: make sure you have commented on 2 student’s science questions on the blog (Mon)

Dylan science question

How can reptiles swim?

Oct.15 Monday homework

  1. photos(tues)
  2. math 6 pg 65,66(wed)
  3. math 5 quiz(wed)
  4. banking quiz(tues)
  5. french quiz(tues)11-20

Nolan’s science question

How do protists reproduce?

Check out our Science Links

Boys and girls, remember that there are links to our Science unit that you can check out on our blog!

Miss. Parent

Give credit to where credit is due

I like how Max wrote where he grabbed his article from. Please provide the link or name of the website you used to get your article.

Thank you,

Miss. Parent

Your Science Criteria is Posted

Please look above and click on “Mini Science Inquiry Rubric” to see the directions for how to complete your Science Project for Thursday October 25th. Remember that you all were given one last week, but I made a few changes to clarify points and colour code areas. I hope this helps!

I hope you all have some ideas to share with the class tomorrow!

Miss. Parent

Friday’s Homework Oct 12

  1. science reasearch, ensure you have researched your Kingdom from the text book and used your article to write notes on (mon)
  2. post final question (mon)
  3. math quiz Unit 2 Lesson 1-5 (wed)
  4. math 6 pg 65 1-5 (mon)
  5. pe strip (mon)
  6. library (mon)
  7. ypc notice is late
  8. math 5 #1-10 (a, b) (mon)
  9. Individual photos (Tues)
  10. read rubric over and start planning for your Science Project due October 23