Homework nov 9

  1. no school monday (Remembrance Day)
  2. math 5 pg. 21 #2-4 (Wed)
  3. math 5 quiz on Lesson #1-5 (next Friday, there isn’t a lesson #4)
  4. Social Studies research; please research for answers to your topic’s questions by using your “Note/My Thinking” sheet (green and grey). Remember to look at the grey criteria/rubric sheet in your blue duotang (this is also located on the blog, under S.S). Notes are DUE Tuesday because we will be placing the answers onto our Power Point Tuesday morning. (TUES)
  5. math 6 test
  6. French: draw the bird’s eye view of a home. Please include 15 lables from our pink, French, vocabulary sheet. Please reveiw the criteria. For Tuesday you need to have the drawing and labels completed. During the week you can fine line and colour your French.  (Tues)
  7. French home design is due (next Fri)
  8. Enjoy your long weekend! Work hard, as you have one week before term one ends! : )

Homework nov 8

  1. math 5 pg 16 5,6,7,8
  2. black pants white shirt
  3. poppy money
  4. no P.E.(fri)
  5. math 6 pg 83 12-16
  6. no school(mon)
  7. 🙂

Homework nov 7

  1. poppy
  2. math 6 pg 81 7-12(all)
  3. math 5 pg 15 16 1,2,3(thurs)
  4. french(tues)
  5. wear white and black
  6. 🙂


Homework nov 6

  1. french not coulring
  2. read articl also pics(wed
  3. math 5 pg 11 1,2,3,6(wed)
  4. pe(wed)

Giving each other two stars and a wish on our science projects

Homework nov 5

  1. math 5 pg 11 1-3,6(wed)
  2. math 6 pg 81,82(wed)
  3. french project
  4. social studies project
  5. smile 🙂

Homework nov 2

  1. math 5 pg 8 4-7(mon)
  2. pe strip(mon)
  3. library(mon)
  4. eat candy

Homework nov 1

  1. math 5 pg 8 1,3 (fri)
  2. math test signed(fri)
  3. pe strip(fri)
  4. science mark sighned(fri)
  5. math 6 Pg. 74 #1-5 (all)
  6. Scholastic (fri)
  7. Bank books due to your Bank Clerk (Fri morning)
  8. SMILE : )

isabella 5 key learning’s

Isabella journal

1.bulldogs are one of the most popular dog’s in America.

2.warren G. was the only u .s. president to own a bulldog.

3.some bulldog’s drool because they can not control it.

my 5 key leanings

                                                        Donald Journal #2                                                                     (1)Bacteria are very small. You can`t see them with your eyes so you use a microscope. For example if you look at a gram of soil you would see 40 million bacteria cells. This links to b1 because you would need a microscope to see it.                                                                                                                                                            (2)Ancient bacteria live in hot places in the world and true bacteria live everywhere else. This links to b1 because it was taking about how things adopt to their environments.

(3)Bacteria only have one cell, have no nucleus and are from the monera kingdom. This links to b1 because it says if it is a single cell or multy cell.                                                                                                                                                         (4)99.9% of E.coli`s DNA are found in our body.                                                                                                                                                        (5)If bacteria never existed we wouldn’t be alive because bacteria digest some of our food like mike and cheese no food= no vitamins = no people so bacteria is important