
1.Math page 35-36

2.Pay day tomorrow

3.Study snow snow snow song


Thursday.November. 24/2022

1.Page 31-33 math booklet due Monday

2.Pro-d day tomorrow

3.Popcorn sale Monday (only 1 dollar)

4.Pay day Monday

Have a nice day 😄




Wed. Nov. 23/22

1.Math page 26-30 due tomorrow

2.Study snow snow snow song

3.Pro-d day Friday

Monday .November 21/2022

*YPC tomorrow can bring 1 toy on Wensday

2.Pro-d day on Friday


Wed .Nov.16/2022

1.Poppy donation tomorrow

2.Math booklet 4 due tomorrow

4.5 w quiz on Friday

Tuesday .November.15/2022

  1. 5w’s quiz Friday – Students get a short reading article and have to answer the 5 W’s in complete sentences.

Thursday, November. 10th/2022

1.No school tomorrow

2.Remembrance day tomorrow

Thursday, Nov. 9th 2022

  1. Remembrance Day on Friday – no school
  2. School Assembly Thursday – wear black, red or dress up

*We are writing poems right now. Please ask your child about theirs.

Hope your child wrote a sentence stating something they learned about, were excited about or a wondering they have.


Monday june 6 2022

                                                                                                    Planners tomorrow

2.Music tomorrow

1st draft for story due tomorrow of fines

S.s quiz thursday


Friday june 3rd 2022


1 Grade 5 math Homework due monday