January 10

1. Math 5 pg 74-75 # 1-5 abc due tom Math 6 pg 94 4-7 due tomorrow

2. Scholostic due tues

3. P.E Tomorrow

4. Altered book due tom

5.Banking for bank clerks

January 2013 9

  1. Math 6 pg 94 # 1 2 3 due tom
  2. Scholastic due tues
  3. Altered book due fri
  4. Banking 4 bank clerks due fri
  5. Science project presentation next week
  6. Don’t smile Don’t Pass Go Never get 200 bucks for no reason. JK J J J J J : ) J : ) : J ) J ):: )): ): ): ): ): ):: )J ): )J: )p: J ): ):

  1. Writing: circle writing on key points, due tom
  2. Math 6 pg 91 # 5 and 6 + 8 – 10 due tom + test signed
  4. Pay due tom
  5. Scholastic due next Tuesday
  6. Altered book due fri
  7. SSMAYYYYYYALLLLSSSS J J J L L L Hi hi hi bye bye bye hello hello helo goodbye goodbye goodye

HAPPY NEW YEARS! January 7 2013

1. Math grade 6 pg 91 questions 5 and 6 + 8 – 10 + test signed
2. Pay due wed
3. math grade 5 vocab sheet due tomorrow
4. Study science
5 SHMAYL!!! 😛 😀 🙂 :3 :7 :8 :^)

Natasha What makes earthquakes an extreme environdement?Dec.20/2012



The Richter scales measure the strength of all earthquakes. Earthquakes happen a lot during years because you can seriously get hurt and maybe even die from the earthquakes compared to how dangerous they are.   
If you are feeling shaking, bouncing or rocking that means you are either experiencing a huge or small earthquake. Rescue dogs have to be under the age of 2 to be a rescue dog because they need to young not old because they have to be fast to rescue people who are stuck under stuff such as bridges.
If the 2 rocks are meeting at the fault line that means the rocks are going to slip. Most earthquakes have to be measured because they have to see how big or small they are.


What makes Space an extreme environment?:P


My thoughts

-Space is never ending!

-Space has a white light (big crack) that scientists claim to be the end of space.



-who discovered the white light?

-If space is never ending

then imagine how many stars there are!  

What makes Volcanoes an extreme environment?



  • Volcanoes have lava in them. Lava is dangerous because it can burn you.
  • Poisonous gases, and chemicals make

Volcanoes an extreme environment because you can not baerth.

  • I wonder how many active volcanoes are on earth.
  • What is the most dangerous active volcano?



Stefan                                                              Oceans                                                Dec 20, 2012

There is really dangerous fish the oceans Why are they so ugly?


what makes the sea an extreme envirnment ?

What makes the sea an extreme environment?


notes thinking
In the sea there is very high pressure as you go down the higher the pressure gets.


The deep sea is (1800) meters below sea level which is a long way

The sea has a number of dangerous wild life that


Is very territorial this picture is called a viperfish as you can see it does not want to be friendly and if you go down enough you will see this fish at 5,000 feet below


The viperfish is one of the most unusual-looking fish in the deep sea. It is also one of the most popular and well-known species. Known scientifically as Chauliodus sloani, it is one of the fiercest predators of the deep. This fish can be easily recognized by its large mouth and sharp, fang-like teeth. In fact, these fangs are so large that they will not fit inside the mouth. Instead, they curve back very close to the fish’s eyes. The viperfish is thought to use these sharp teeth to impale its victims by swimming at them at high speeds. The first vertebra, right behind the head, is actually designed to act as a shock absorber. This fearsome looking creature has a long dorsal spine that is tipped with a photophore, a light-producing organ. The viperfish uses this light organ to attract its prey





isobel’s notes and thinking



 how is the moon  inportaint to are every day lives?  





  • Space is an extreme environment because of its lack of oxygen and gravity


  • The moon is an extreme environment because there is no oxygen, zero gravity, no living plants and its colder there.


  • It would be impossible to live in space without any equipment because of all the pressure (meaning your head would explode from gasses and no oxygen.)




  • Why does gravity take apart of living? Gravity is a part of living because without it we would float away.


  • The sun is actually a star and apparently when a star gets to big it explodes so in 2000 years the sun will explode.


  • One thing I’ve been thinking about is I think that Pluto is Neptune’s moon it just has a separated distance from it.