Thursday-November 14 2013

1. math 5 page 16 #4,5,7,8(Fri) and SWUK pg. 30 #1-3 (Monday)-math quiz unit 1 lesson 1-5

2. snow pass

3. skating field trip (November 21st 2013)

4. math 6 pg. extra practice pg. 1+2 #’s 1-2 (all tom)

5. salmon walk tom.

6. $2.00 Me to We typhoon fund

7. french quiz (Friday)

8. science quiz signed

9. SMILE!!!!!!!!!!


November 12th-2013

1. math 5 pg.12 3’s 3-6 (Wed/all)

2. math 6 pg. 14-15

3. french quiz (Friday)

4. Hand art (Wed)

5. digestive sys. Quiz-Thurs

6. S.S human rights (Fri)

7. SMILE!!!!!!!!!

Friday November 8th 2013


  1. Math 5 pg 12 #’s 3-6 (Wed)
  2. Math 6 pg 14 1-3
  3. French quiz nest Friday
  4. Pro-d-day Monday
  5. Human rights next Friday
  6. SMILE!!!



Thursday-November 7th/13

1. class  wear black + white

2. vollyball practice to morning

3. math 5 pg 12 #’s 3-6 (all) (wed)

4. math 6 pg 14 #’s 14-13

5. french quiz Friday!

6. art (TUES NOT FRI!!)

7. hot lunch (Fri)

8. poppy fund

9. SMILE!!!



1. Math 5 page 11 #’s 1+2 (all) (Thurs)

2. Spelling quiz (Thurs)

3. pay due thurs.

4. Math 6 pg. 9-10 (all) #’s 4-8 due thurs.

5. french quiz-colours (Friday)

6. Hand art due friday

7. hot lunch (Fri)

8. Sientific method test/quiz (thurs)

9. volleyball (Fri)

10. SMILE!!!!!!!!

Josh’s Fun Facts of the Day!! :)

“I ran out of hot water in the shower after only 45 minutes” – My Grandma Followes Me On Twitter

“Did you know”? Of the more than 1,500 olympic swimming pools of water that Canadians use every day, almost 1000 would be filled with hot water, accounting for over 20% of our total energy use.

“What can you do?”

For example, install a low-flow shower head, adopt a staggered shower, and save water by shampooing and soaping with the shower tap of!

This was Josh’s Fun Facts Of The Day!! But before I go, one question. Do you know when showers were invented? ~This is Josh the guy who asks the questions

Tuseday Nov.5th 2013

1. Spelling quiz (Thurs)

2. Math 5 page 8 1-6 (all) Due Wed

3. Mr.Post math page 38 #’s 2-6 (all)

4. Math 6 p.8=9 (all) #’s 1-3

5. french quiz-colours (Fri)

6. Hand art (Fri)/poppy (Wed)

7. hot lunch (Fri)

8. S.S (Wed)

9. Scientifc method quiz (Thurs)

10. SMILE!!!!!

Monday-November 4th 2013

1. Spelling quiz (Thurs)

2. Math 5 page:8 #’s 1-6 (all)-Test corections (Wed)

3. Mr.Post math page 38 #’s 2-6 (all)

4. Math 6 page 8+9 #’s 1-3 (all)

5. French quiz (Fri)

6. Hand art (Fri)/poppy (Wed)

7. Hot lunch (Fri)

8. SMILE!!!!!!!!

what are you doing? -josh the person who wonders more than eneyone

hi every one josh the guy who blogs every day here and im just wondereing what are you doing today or tommaro leave what you are doing in the comments below or on the google documents accont and just so we are cl ear i will blog every day at rondom times it could be at eney time it could be at 9:00 pm it could be at 3:30 pm eney time so if your interasted in that then im glad I told you

thats all i wanted to say this was josh the incradably good looking bloger im out peace


Yesterday I hiked up the mountain with my dog Bodhi. When we got there (SFU)   we stoped at Yeti Yogert and got Fro yo! I got pinapple and vinnila mixed!! I had many toppings!

Thanks for reading!!!!
