Category Archives: Who am I?

Who am I?

Who Am I?

NOLAN ANDREY                                                                                               September 25/12

Who am I?


I am fun and creative I am colourful I am an Audi and a German and Irish. I am a risk taker and I like to have fun and play video games and mountain biking with my dad. When I mountain bike it is such an adrenalin and it’s a handy skill to learn and it is a workout. I like action movies and stand up comedy. And I like soccer and hockey soccer is fun and I am good at center field

Caity-Who Am I?

Hi, my name is Caity, and I love ice cream. I am playful and funny. I have blonde hair and a little brother named Matty. I like to talk and play with my friends. I have a cat that’s 15 and his name is Marty.

max who am i

Max Dunham-Jasich                                                                                      Sept. 25/2012

Who Am I?


I am a miner in Minecraft. I mine in a deep cave looking for some diamonds to make some armour. I stumble upon some zombies but I slay them with my bow and arrow I find lots

  • of iron and gold but no diamonds. But I dig deeper and deeper and finally I find some diamonds. Now for the long journey to the surface. As I journey upward to my home I am very excited to craft some armour

                   THE END

isobel-Who Am I ?