Category Archives: Uncategorized

Today’s planner

1) math booklet 11g and 11h  due Friday

2)show and tell tomorrow

3) remember your new jobs please!!


March 29 2023

1)Math booklet 11f 122 due tomorrow

2)show and tell Friday

3)work on passion project at home

Monday march 27

1)Math Booklet 11f due Wednesday

2)Show and Tell Friday

3)Think of new Jobs

4)Passion project


March 9 2023

*. Track notice

1.ecosystem world



March 8th 2023

1.ecosystem model due Friday

*. Bring auction items Friday

*.Primary days of music for grade 3s

2.get report cards signed and bring back envelope

3. Science word notice due Friday


Today’s planner

1) bring supplies for ecosystem model tomorrow

2) bring auction items

3) primary days of music on Thursday

March 6 2023

1.think of auction items

2.power point due tomorrow

Today’s planner

1) math booklet 11e  due Monday

2) primary days of music notice due Thursday

3)show and tell next Monday and talent show

4) think of auction items

Thursday march 2 2023


*.Field trip for grade 3s

2.New student Monday

3.Show and tell Monday

4.power point due Tuesday



Wednesday march 1 2023 and tell Monday

2.think about auction items

*.field trip for grade 3s next Thursday

3.Lego math questions due tomorrow

4.Food drive ends march 2nd(tomorrow)

5.power points due tomorrow