Category Archives: Uncategorized


I tried to start the Socials assignment, but I cant log in to the world book student search!! Can anyone help?

January 6th2014

#1 math6 page 94 1-3 +6

#2  math5 2 div questions

#3 mr post page 78-79 not 6

#4 report cards wednesday

#5 finalize your country tomorow


merry christmas :)

merry christmas to every one who reads this.  IMPORTANT :let me now at school what, you don’t have to do it but try!


dec.12 2014 drive bring non-perishable foods

2.hand righting a-e due Monday pg:183 due Tuesday

4.math 6 pg 89 1-5 due tomorrow

5.merry Christmas!

Christmas list!!

Hey! If you guys(and girls) want, you can post your x-mas list below, and look at other peoples lists to get some ideas!! You dont have to do it, but I think it would be cool! Try it!

My weekend-beatrix

On the weekend I had a sleepover with my guide troop. It was so much fun! How was every body elses  weekend?


Yesterday I hiked up the mountain with my dog Bodhi. When we got there (SFU)   we stoped at Yeti Yogert and got Fro yo! I got pinapple and vinnila mixed!! I had many toppings!

Thanks for reading!!!!


Division 3 if anyone is interested in searching up videos…

I encourage you to find and attach videos around sweatshops, Craig Kielburger, underdeveloped countries etc. This way the rest of the class can view what you have found. Please make sure you watch the whole video to ensure the video is appropriate.

Good luck!

Mrs. Zanette

new uptats on what ill do if you want -josh your homeboy from the north

Hey all my goog looking class mates josh the guy who is going to say somyhing and right a really long paragraph here and all i want to know is what if I did top 10 best post if you do then tell me in the comments if you want me to do it or not and tell me when you want it do you want it week days only weekends only every day and if we are doing every day and I miss one then ill do like top 20 or somthing like that okay thats all i wanted to say and tell me in the comments or in class

this was josh the guy u read about every day im out peace!

Thursday-October 10th 2013

1. Gr.6 math page 64-65 3-7 (all)

2. pack form and Monster Mash notice

3. Circuit money

4. Mad Scince Tuesday

5. Mr.Post math test Friday

6. Gr.6 shots Friday

7. Monster mash on the 25th!!!

8. Scientific method poster due Wed.

9. Me to We:We day form


11. spelling quiz sighed

12. vollyball Friday