Category Archives: Uncategorized

Regarding your good copy paragraphs

Hello Division 3,

Please make sure that all of your good copy paragraphs that you want me to mark are in your folder. This is the folder with your number and name on it. I am noticing that some of you have not put your completed work into your folder. Also, please ensure the file that I am marking is labeled “1 Natural Resources Good Copy Paragraph” or something very similar.

Please remember that work should be done by 3pm Sunday. Some students have asked for feedback and other students have not. If you asked for feedback then you may not see feedback until Monday night, the day before you receive your mark.

Thank you, hope you are all having a good weekend.

Mrs. Zanette

january 17th 2014

#1 math 6 page 111 5-8 monday

#2 mrs sutton booklet

#3 math 5 study for math quiz monday

#4 good copy paragraph for project 11am sat. or 3pm sun.

#5 art drawing due friday

#6 french  alphabet quiz friday

#7 scholastic wednesday

January 17th 2014

#1 ms sutton math finish booklet

#2 math 6 page 111 #’s 1-4

#3 mr post math page 87 #’s 5-8

#4 hot lunch tomorow

#5 scholastic (wed)

#6 natural resources paragraph

january 15th 2014

#1 spelling test  tomorow

#2 math 6 page 106-107 #’s 7-13 not 11(thursday)

#3 math5 page 19 +green sheet(thursday)

#4 sutten booklet#’s 1-7

#5 scholastic(wednesday)

#6 boys basketball game (tuesday)

#7 hot lunch(fri)

#8 nat. resources sentences (thursday)

january 14th 2014

look at monday

#5 double entry journal (wednesday)

#6 start putting natural resources draft into complete sentences


January 13th 2014

#1 study for spelling test (thurs)

#2 math 5 yellow sheet and page 22 due (wednesday)

#3 mr post math page 86 due( wednesday)

#4 math 6 page  1071-6 (wednesday)

#5 hot  lunch next friday



Students having trouble accessing our school Encyclopedia from home

As of right now, we are waiting for a new password. My apologies. You have many other resources to use, so good luck!

Mrs. Zanette

january 10th 2014

#1 mrs Sutton math group #1,2,3

#2math5 work sheet

#3math6 page 101-102 #’s1-5 and 7

#4 natural resources due tomorrow (google docs , put in folder)

#5                                smile

january 9th 2014

#1ms.sutton math due tomorrow

#2math 5 booklet due tomorrow

#3 mr post math group page 1-2 5,7,10

#4 s.s draft due tomorrow

#math6 page  8-11,13,14

help me maw god!! -josh the guy who needs help

can someone tell me about the draft that’s due friday and were i can find it?