Category Archives: Uncategorized

February 18th 2014

1 math 5 page 11-14 due Wednesday

#2 math 6 test mon unit 5 194-195 1-13 thursday

#3 mr post test on fractions

#4 pro-d-day friday

#5 Holocaust notices due Wednesday

#6 s.c /s.s project due at the end of next week

#7 same as Yesterday

#8  have fun and get all your home work done

Feb 18th 2014

#1 math 5 page 11-14 due Wednesday

#2 math 6 test mon unit 5 194-195 1-13 thursday

#3 mr post test on fractions

#4 pro-d-day friday

#5 Holocaust notices due Wednesday

6 sc /s.s project due at the end of next week

February 13th 2014

#1 math 5 green/white booklet page 1-6 due tomorow

#2 math 6 page 188-189 1-13 not 1

#3 double entry journal due tomorow at recess

#4 google docs sentences and paragraph due sat at midnight

#5 feild trip notice due next tuesday

#6 have fun, smile and get all your homework done

February 12th 2014

#1 math 5 vocabulary sheet due tom, math test signed

#2 mr post math 168 1, 2, 6

#3 math 6 182-183 1-7 9, 10

#4 Holocaust center notice due Febuary 18th

#5 sentences and paragragh due sat at midnight

#6 6/7 dance Febuary 14th/Valentines day bring 2 dollars

#7 rafiki(health)for ten$ and hand made valentines cards for 1$

#8 have fun and get all your home work done

February 11th 2014

#1 6/7 dance Friday bring $2

#2 sentences and paragraph Due Sat at midnight

#3 scholastic Due Tom

#4 math 6 page 178-179 Due Tom

#5 student led form Due Thursday


smile, have fun and get all your homework done !

January 7th 2014

#1 scholastic due next Wednesday

#2 student led notice

#3 family day Monday

#4 math 6 page 178-179 #’s 1-10 Wednesday

#5 6/7 dance bring $2

#6 Google docs draft due Sunday at midnight

smile/have fun having a long weekend 

Feb 6th 2014

#1 math 6 practice sheet due Tom.

#2 math 5 Unit test tom.

#3 scholastic due next wed .

#4 for some people bring gym strip

#5 French quiz tom .

#6 hot lunch tom.

#7   6/7 dance bring $2

#8 Google docs draft due sun. at midnight

#9 tennis money due tom.

#10 s.s/s.c mark due tom.


january 5th 2014

#1 math 6 168-189 1-11 get math test back

#2 math 5 unit test fri page 98 #’s 1-5

#3 tennis next week (starts Wed.)

#4 french test Avoir (Fri.)

#5 s.s/ s.c draft due sunday at midnight

#6 6/7 dance feb 14th: please bring $2

#7 get your s.s/s.c mark signed by fri

#8 movie form signed by wednesday

#9 spelling quiz Thurs

have fun/smile

January 4th 2014

#1 math 6 168-189 1-11 get math test back

#2 math 5 unit test fri page 98 #’s 1-5

#3 tennis next week (starts Wed.)

#4 french test Avoir (Fri.)

#5 s.s/ s.c draft due sunday at midnight

#6 6/7 dance feb 14th: please bring $2

#7 get your s.s/s.c mark signed by fri

#8 movie form signed by wednesday

#9 spelling quiz Thurs

have fun/smile

January 3rd 2014

#1 math 6 168-189 1-11 get math test back

#2 math 5 unit test fri page 98 #’s 1-5

#3 tennis next week

#4 french test Avoir

#5 s.s/ s.c draft due sunday at midnight

#6 6/7 dance feb 14th