Category Archives: Uncategorized

March 12th 2014


#2 food (choice) thurday

#3 cup thursday

#4 math 5 project due tomorow

#5 mr post page 192 8-12

#6 math 6 141 #’s 1-5 friday

#7 hot lunch due this friday

#8  bring auction items for gallery walk


:0!! my last day bloging!! 0:

March 10th 2014 monday

*1 math 5 project due thursday

*2 gallerry walk update and make food for thursday -choice

*3 Auction items for tuesday

*4 enjoy your last week of school before spring break !

March 7th 2014

*1 Mrs sutton  booklet due Wednesday

*2 6 math page 136-137 5-9 NO SEVEN

*3 math 5 work on  project

*4 gallery walk Thursday 9-10 tell your parents

*5 field trip mon BE THERE AT 8:40

*6 bye a brick for 20 dollars

*7 fix s.s/s.c project

*****have fun*****get all your home work done*****

March 4th 2014

*1 math 5 booklet page  35-37 finish booklet

*2 Mr post math page 181-182 1,3,4-8

*3 math 6 131-132 1-5 get test signed

*4 gallery walk next Thursday

*5 hot lunch Friday

*6 pay due Thursday

*7 Holocaust trip on Monday

*8 the boy in the striped pajamas  Tomorow

*9 bring p.e strip for Tomorow

stay out of the rain and enjoy your finished project!

March 3rd 2014

#1 math 5 finish booklet/35-37

#2 mr post pg 181-182 1,3 4-8

#3 math 6 131-132 1-5 test signed

#4 bing a sock or cloth for you white bord

#5 s.s/s.c project due TOMOROW

#6 hot lunch friday

#7 some people bing pay of books

stay out of the rain and stay warm

February 28th friday 2014

#1 Mr Sutton’s group finish booklet due Wednesday

#2  grade 5 converting fractions and 31-34

#3 grade 6 test

#4 hot lunch

#5 s.s/s.c project due Monday or Tuesday

have fun in the sun while it’s here!

February 27th 2014 Thursday

#1 mr post math test tomorow

#2 math 6 127 1-5 due friday and get math test sighed

#3 math5 3 converting fractions

#4 scholastic due tomorow

#5 s.s/s.c project due tuesday

#6 hot lunch form due march 7th

#7 bring sock/cloth

#8 bring $20 for a brick

February 24th 2014

# 1 grade 6 bring protractor

#2 grade 5 page 22-30 due Thursday

#3 Mr Post page 172 #’s 1,2,5,9,10,11

#4 s.s/s.c project Due Monday/Tuesday

#5 grade 6 basketball game play day tom

#6 get your homework done and play in the snow

February 20th 2014

#1 math 5 18-21 yellow sheet Due thursday

#2 math 6 test monday

#3 s.s/s.c project Due end of next week

#4 Holocaust notice Due tom

#5 boys basket ball game next tuesday

have fun and do all your home work

February 19th 2014

#1 page 15-17 yellow sheet (16/4)

#2 Anne frank story bord Due tomorow

#3 math 6 page 194-195 #’s 1-13 all Due tomorow, test on monday

#4 s./sc project Due end of next week

#5 Holocuast center notice Due tomorow

#6 boy’s basketball game next tuesday

#7 have fun, get all  your homework done now