Category Archives: Uncategorized

may 14 2015

math6 pg 230 #6-reflect

math5 pg 143 #1-3

DEJ fri

no school Monday

science Qn’s  tues

hot lunch

second story

2/3 of book

me to we script

$ for nepal


may 13 2015

math5 Qn’s and test signed Thurs

math6 pg. 229 # 1-5

science Qn’s next Tues

hot lunch fri

2/3 of book may 15

school wide write signed

story # 2 22nd

DEJ fri

school supplies notice Thursday

NO SCHOOL MONDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


may 12 2015

look at Monday


may 11 2015

math 5 test signed

hot lunch

2/3 of book

science Fri

Nepal $2

story 22nd

DEJ fri


may 8 2015

math 6 pg. 222#1-3+5- reflect

French Mon

$2 for Nepal

2/3 book read

science questions

Story 2 may 22

pay Mon


story 3 reading


may7 2015

math5 test fri

2/3 book read

me to we Nepal money

science Qn’s may 15

French menu mon.


May 6 2015

math 5 pg 215#7+9-13+pg 217#16-17


me to we $2

NO!!! nice clothes tomorrow art

2/3 book read

French fri

science questions

Selene Noon

dance club jeans



may 5 2015

math 5 pg 214 #1-6

me to we $2

dance club wear jeans

2/3 of book

science questions  next fri

French fri


may 4 2015

math 5 pg 214#1-6

french fri

science june

toonies for terry fox

2/3 of book read


may 1

math5 pg 198 #1-2+4+6-9

math 6 art

2/3 story read

French menu (next fri)

notices about lice

Science project start
