Category Archives: Uncategorized

June 16 2015

French test tomorrow

math5 quiz tomorrow

bistro on Thursday

sports day on Friday were your colour

hot lunch friday

story #3 due tomorrow

bring fork cup knife and plate on Thursday


June 12 2015

look at wednsday


June 11 2015

Look at Wednsday

SMILE!:)! 🙂 ! 🙂 ! 🙂 !

June 10 2015

math5 chart drawing Wed + mini Quiz next week

sports day hot lunch

Cultus lake Monday

math6 sheet

science Quiz  and presentation tomorrow

book talk presentation Friday

story #3 Tuesday

bike fair Friday

bank clerk books due tomorrow

s.s Qn’s

bring lidrary books this week


June 9 2015

~ Math5 chart drawings wed

~story #3 (Tues)

~Chior wear black tom


~sports day hot lunch

~ cultus lake

book talk summary

~SMILE!!!!!!  : )

june 8 2015

math5 3d chart wed

cultus lake tues notice

hot lunch sports day

me to we script

science project tues

book talk summary

story #3 sat midnight


june 4 2015

hot lunch next fri

cultus lake notice tues

pro d day fri

science project due tues

summary due wed

me to we script mon

start third story next sat mid night


June 3 2015

math5 grid paper and quiz signed Thursday

math6 pg 257# 1-3

book talk summary tues google docs

pro d day  fri

science project tues

me to we script Monday


june 2 2015

look at Monday


june 1 2015

math6 pg 250 #1-8

look at Thursday

slurpies wed

reading quiz

me to we tomorrow were right clothes

Qns for study
