Category Archives: Uncategorized

Tuesday, Oct.13th/15

1. Math Gr.6 show what you know (1-6) (Due wed)
2. Gr.6 immunization (tom)
*Monster mash per-order form.

Friday Oct. 9th

  1. math grade 6 (PG. 40 -41 #1-6 due wed)
  2. math grade 5 (PG.51 #1-8 a.b.c due Wed. and quiz lesson 1-4 next Fri.)
  3. no school (Mon)

Thursday Oct. 8th

  1. monster mash notice
  2. photo’s (tom)
  3. no school Monday (thanks giving)
  4. quiz next Friday for grade 5’s (lesson 1 -4)
  5. forest grove  grape vine notice
  6. grade 6 math ( 1 to reflect )

Wednesday Oct. 7th

  1. Grade 5 math (pg. 46 #10-13,15+17)
  2. Fund scrip (Oct 26th)
  3. p.a.c notice
  4. Fines and bonuses start tomorrow
  5. Comfort kits were due Oct 6th

Monday Oct. 5th 2015

1.Grade 6 math (due wed)
2.Grade 5 math (due wed)
3.comfort kits (due tues)
4.Scholastic (due wed)
5.P.E. (TUES)


1.comfort kits. (Due next Tuesday)
2.Terry fox run (Friday) Toonies/Loonies for Terry are being collected this week starting Thursday.
3.Scholastic (Next Wed)
4.P.E. strip (tom)
5.Grade 5 math PG 38 #1-6 (Thurs.)


September 29 2015
1. Scholastic form (Due next Wed)
2. Comfort kits (next Tues)


September 2015
1. Safety patrol training (Mon)
2. parent interview/early dismissal(Wed and Thurs)
3. pro-d day (Friday)
4. immunization 6 grade’s

September 15 2015


1. Our first Cross Country Practice is at 8am tomorrow. Please bring your signed permission form.
2. P.E strip for Thursday.
3. Remember to have the envelope of notices signed by Thursday or Friday. Payments on line can be made now.

Please note that this homework board is updated by students.

September 14 2015


1. Envelope of notices from the Office
2. Sprouts Chef notice
3. Parks and recreation notice
4. Bring duotangs tommorow
5. P.E strip tomorrow: a shirt, shorts/pants and runners