Category Archives: Uncategorized

Monday Jan.18th

  1. math.5 pg.90 #2-7 (a-d) swk pg115 9-11 (wed)
  2. math.6 worksheet (wed)
  3. by wed when you walk in get 1/2 S.C story done
  4. hot lunch form (fri)
  5. Y.P.C (tom)
  6. S.C mark get sighed (wed)
  7. scholastic due (wed)
  8. French vreb “Avoir” Review by (tom)

Thursday Jan.14th

  1. grade.5 math pg.86 #1-5 + quiz (next Fri)
  2. S.S technology part 1 first half (Fri) second half (Mon)
  3. scholastic (next wed)
  4. review French verb “Avoir” (Tuesday)

Friday Jan.8th

  1. math.5 pg.78 #8-12
  2. French Quiz(tues)
  3. science project (tues) final (wed)
  4. daily reading (tom)

Thursday Nov. 26 2015

1. Math 6: Pg.94 #1-reflect (Monday)
2. Pro-D Day (Friday)
3. Iqbal interview -good copy (Saturday midnight)
4. S.S booklet draft due (Monday)

Parents, please note that students did not write in their planner on Thursday. Students weren’t to leave class until they had all homework that is needed.

The students worked very hard this week! Enjoy the long weekend together.

Mrs. Zanette

Friday Nov. 13 2015

1. Math 6 Pg. 80 #1-6 (Monday)
2. Math 5: We will go over the answers for Lesson 3 again on Monday
3. YPC Monday afternoon
4. Science project: Research a company that has been accused of child labour and choose a product they make (Mon)
5. Iqbal Interview: Draft due next (Thurs)
6. Cookies and Pie fundraiser
7. Purdys chocolate fundraiser
8. Scholastic Orders due next Wednesday morning.

Tuesday Nov. 10 2015

  1. Math 5: Pg. 16 #3-5/ 7 &8 and SWK: Pg. 30 #5 / Math Quiz Unit 1: Lesson 1-2 ( 3 is now being removed) -Fri
  2. Math 6: Pg. 76 #1-10 and Reflect (Thurs.)
  3. Chapter 8 of Iqbal: write a deep thinking question (Thurs.)
  4. Hot lunch due (Fri. Nov. 13)
  5. French quiz (Thurs.)

Monday Nov. 9th

  1. Math 5: Pg.16 # 3-5,7 + 8 Swk Pg.30 #5 Math quiz unit 1 :1-3
  2. Math 6 Pg.76 #1-10 + Reflect (Thurs)
  3. Science booklet (Tue)
  4. Hot lunch (Nov 13)
  5. French quiz (Thurs)

Friday Nov.6th

  1. Math 5 P.G. 15 # 1-2 And P.G. 30 SWK #1-4.
  2. Math 6 P.G. 71-72 #1-Reflect.
  3. Science book (Tues)
  4. Iqbal chapters 5-7 sheet (Mon)
  5. Hot lunch forms due (Nov.13th)
  6. Gr.5 snow pass.

Thursday Nov.5th

  1. Math 5 P.G. 11 #1-4,6 (Tom)
  2. Math 6 P.G. #65-66 # 5-10 (Tom)
  3. Science booklet  (Tues)
  4. Tennis notice due (Tom)
  5. Iqbal questions Chapters 5-7 (Mon)
  6. Art drawing (Tom)

Wednesday Nov.4th

  1. Math 5  P.G. 8 #1-6 (Thurs) bring in vocabulary words and get tests signed
  2. Math 6 P.G. 65 #1-4
  3. Tennis notice (Fri)
  4. Order Forest Grove shirts (Nov 16th)
  5. Bank clerk books due (Fri)
  6. Iqbal who question (tom)
  7. Halloween story rubrics signed (Fri)