Category Archives: Uncategorized

Thursday Feb.18 2016

  1. math.5 pg.107 #6-9 swk 18-21 pg.115
  2. math.6 pg.174 #6-reflect(Mon)
  3. Anne Frank  (Mon end of comp.)
  4. extension (Mon)
  5. pro-d day (tom)

Wednesday feb.17th 2016

  1. math.5 pg 111 #3+4 swk pg 15 14-17 (feb.18 test)
  2. math.6 pg.124 #1-5
  3. S.S  project (tom) if want a extension show Miss.Yip
  4. Anne frank (fri 12:00 pm)
  5. movie night notice ( march 2)
  6. Anne Frank movie (tom)
  7. hot lunch notice due(tom)

Tuesday Feb.16th 2016

  1. math.5pg.110 #1-2 swk 10-12a (a) 13
  2. math.6 pg.168#1-5,6,9,11 reflect
  3. S.S good copy (thurs)
  4. Anne frank(fri 12:00)
  5. movie night form (march2)

Monday Feb.15 2016

  1. math.5 pg.11o #1-2 swk 10-12 13
  2. math.6 pg.168 #1-5,6,9,11 reflect
  3. Anne frank good copy due ( fri 12:00)
  4. S.S (thurs)
  5. hot lunch notice due (thurs)
  6. prp-d day (fri)

Friday Feb.12 2016

  1. math.5 pg 106 #1-4 all (mon)
  2. math.6
  3. S.S Timeline due (next fri)
  4. Anne frank good copy(next fri)
  5. summaries for pay
  6. Hot lunch notice due Feb.26

Thursday Feb.11th 2016

  1. math.5 pg 102 #6-7 10-12 Due (fri)
  2. math.6 pg.163 #1,2,4
  3. S.S good copy (tom) end of comp.
  4. Anne frank draft (tom) good copy (next fri )
  5. bring snacks for movie
  6. the fish died speech
  7. gr.6 Dance (tom)
  8. Hot lunch forms (feb 26th)

Wednesday Feb.10th 2016

  1. math.6 get test sighned
  2. math.5 Nothin
  3. S.S good copy (fri)
  4. Anne Frank draft (fri)good copy (next Fri)

Friday Feb.5th 2016

  1. math.5 (no math)
  2. math.6 get test sighned
  3. S.S rough copy due (tues)
  4. anne Frank draft due (tues)

Thursday Feb.4th 2016

  1. math.5 pg.102 #1-5 (a-d)(tom)
  2. math.6 test tom
  3. S.S draft due (fri) goodcopy (next fri)
  4. Anne frank draft due( next fri)
  5. pay due (tom)
  6. bank clerk bank books due (Next Thurs)

Wednesday Feb.3rd

  1. math.5 pg. 99 #8-12 (tom)
  2. math.6 swk #1-4+9 ,10 (Tom) test(Fri)
  3. S.S pt 2 (Fri) good copy(next FRI)
  4. French Quiz (tom)
  5. Bankbook (FRI)
  6. Anne Frank draft (next Fri)