Category Archives: Uncategorized

Wednesday,Feb 8

  1. hot lunch due Friday
  2. P.E strip tomorrow
  3. banking sheet due tomorrow  

Friday Feb. 5

  1. Don’t forget to bring your gym strips .
  2. Please bring your skating form due Monday.
  3. Finish your story of Elements due Monday.
  4. if you want to join the choir please come on Tuesday.

Thursday .February,2.2017

  1. Please bring your recorder every Wednesday and Friday
  2. Please bring your skating form due Feb.6 please don’t forget.
  3. don’t forget to sign the quiz by your parents
  4. if you want to join the choir come on tuesday

Monday, January 30 2017

  1. Check your Google Docs account to make sure it works for Thursday
  2. skating form due February, 6
  3. library books are due tomorrow please bring them
  4. don’t forget to bring your gym strips

Friday May 27

1. Math 5 PG. 216 #1-6(a+c), 7, 9, 11 (Mon)

1. Math 6 #1-reflect (Mon)

2. Read novels

3. S.S project’s (June 9) – Focus on Writing on Google Docs

4. science project (due June 7)

5. Loonie swim(Tues) – More drivers would be greatly appreciated! Please contact Ms. Yip

April 27, 2016

Math 5 – page 168-169 #4-6, 9-10 & get purple reflection sheet and quiz signed (Fri)

Math 6 – Page 257 #1-3 (Fri)

Novel Study Journal #2 (Fri)

Spring Fair “SPORTS” basket donations (May 13)



Thursday April 14 2016

  1. Math.5 pg.157 #6+reflect pg.159#12-15
  2. math.6 nothing
  3. Hot lunch notice (tom)
  4. Bake sale (tom)
  5. Jump rope for heart (tues)
  6. Notice on spring fair basket – sports is our theme! (may 13)
  7. Trade Agreement Package (mon)
  8. Novel Study Page 1 front and back (tom)

Wednesday April 13, 2016

  1. Math 5 pg. 153-154 #1-2, 4, 6-8 and Signed Reflection Sheet (purple) due tomorrow
  2. Math 6 pg. 232 #1-Reflection
  3. Bake Sale Tomorrow
  4. Hot Lunch Notice due Friday
  5. French (first page front and back) due tomorrow
  6. Jump Rope for Heart due April 19th
  7. Trade Agreement Sheets due Monday April 18th

friday march 11

  1. math 5 study for quiz

Wednesday march.9

  1.  math.5 (tom)
  2. math.6 nothing
  3. report card (Fri)
  4. bake sale (tom)
  5. boy in striped py. (tom)