Category Archives: Uncategorized

Tues. Oct.30th/18

  1. Bring treats (tom) 
  2. Math Ms.Q  lesson 9 #1-7 (tom)
  3. Hot lunch (tom)
  4. Math 5 page 62 #8-11,13 (tom)
  5. Wear costumes (tom) 
  6. Reading article (tom)
  7. Halloween (tom)

Thurs. Oct 25th/18

  1. Monster Mash (Fri)
  2. Grade 5 math page 58 #5-8
  3. Hot lunch (Wed)
  4. Next Wednesday we will watch a movie and have treats. 

Science: Students chose an inquiry question they started to do research on. 

S.S: Students are learning about mapping. This week we realized that most of the students think about electronic maps (GPS) rather than paper maps.

Math: The whole school is working on increasing their word problem skills.  

Reading/Writing: We worked on reading strategies – drawing tiny pictures and circling key points as we read, highlighting questions and answers within the article and summarising paragraphs into our own words. 

Art: We have spent a LOT of time creating our planets out of paper mache for the solar system we are building on our ceiling. 


  1. Math 6 Ms.Q Lesson 7#1-7
  2. Math Grade #1-4 abc only (Thurs) 


  1. Hot lunch notice
  2. Math 6 Ms. Q Lesson 5 #8-14
  3. Grade 5 math Quiz Signed 
  4. Grade 5 math page 55 #4-12 abc only

Thursday October 18 2018

  1. Get science signed
  2. Grade 6 Ms Q Unit 2 lesson 4 #13-15
  3. Monster Mash notice
  4. Bring gym strip Monday
  5. Pro-D Day Friday
  6. Grade 5 study for retest
  7. Hot lunch notice

Wed. October 17th 2018

  1. Pro-D day (Friday)
  2. Monster Mash notice (Friday)
  3. Hot lunch forms 
  4. Bring photos (tom)

Tuesday October 16th 2018

  1. Grade 5 math homework page 67 10-13
  2. Grade 6 Math Ms.Q Lesson 3#10-17
  3. Pro-D day Friday
  4. Monster Mash notice
  5. Hot lunch forms
  6. Bring news paper (Tom)

Monday, Oct. 15/18

  1. Unit 2 lesson 3 grade 6 #1-9 ms.Q
  2. Bring gym strip (Tuesday)
  3. google docs notice (oct.18)
  4. Pro-D day on Friday
  5. Monster Mash notice 
  6. Bring photos home
  7. Choir notices 

Oct 9, 2018

  1. Young People’s Concert Tomorrow 
  2. *Math Grade 5 page 66 #1-3 (due Wednesday)
  3. *Math Grade 6 Mrs Qin Review Unit/Test Tomorrow
  4. *Math Grade 6 Miss Mitchell Quiz Friday & pg 72-73 #10 e & f, #11
  5. Fundraising Notice (due Oct 31)

Thursday, Oct.4th 2018

This week students did the following:

  1. Science: Created and worked on core questions for their planet project (Green duotang, Green booklet). Watched a Bill Nye Video on Planets and the Sun.
  2. CAPP: Students were hired and trained for their jobs in The City Game.
  3. ART: City Posters were completed and hung above each city/group.
  4. PE: Played Dodge Ball
  5. S.S: This will be a mapping unit which will start in two weeks so that we can implement our Science unit.
  6. Math: Students have been learning about place value. Grade 5’s to one million and Grade 6’s to one Trillion.


  1. Young People’s Concert Notice due Oct. 9th
  2. School donation notice
  3. Grade 6: Unit 2 Lesson 1 #1-15 (Fri)
  4. Grade 5 Math Unit 2 Lesson 4 #1-5 pg. 51 (abc only) due (Fri)
  5. No school on Monday
  6. P.E strip (Tues)