Category Archives: Uncategorized


Sign dictee (weds)

Gr4 math bring tomorrow


Sign dictee (weds)

Card game sheet due(Feb 15) Teach friends and family some new card games!

No dictee  this week (students earned a week off)

pro-d day (Feb 16)

Family Day (Feb 19)
Have a Blessed, Happy Day!!!




Fri, Feb. 2/24

Look at yesterday’s planner (fri,Feb,2/24)

Sign grade 4 math quiz (Tues)

No dictee next week

Gr4 Math cupcake posters (Tuesday)

Pro-d day next Friday (Feb,16)

Family day the following Monday (4 day weekend) (Feb, 19)

Play war +spoons (card games) by Feb,15th with family or friends. You can play with classmates as well during Explorations. Collect signatures you people you played the card games with.

Pink shirt day on Feb,28th.

Have a super, duper fun day!!!


Sign dictee (Wed)

No dictee (next Thursday) During our City Council Meeting, students voted that if they have 5 or less errors for their Dictee, they can miss the following week’s Dictee. This is the first time that all students got under 5, so it has been canceled for next week.

Pink Lemonade (Feb ,28)

Have a wonderful day!!!

Weds Jan 31/24

Study dictee (Thurs)

Pink lemonade has been moved to (Feb 28)

Gr 4  math test (Thurs)

Scholastic has been ordered. Thank you!

Tuesday Jan. 30th 2024

Study dictee(Thursday)

Grade4 Math quiz Unit 2 (Thursday)

Grade3 math Parents sign(Wednesday)



Mon. Jan. 29th 2024

Sign dictee (Wed.)

study  dictee (Thurs.)

Pink Lemonade  (1$)(Wed)

Grade 4 Math quiz (Thurs)

*Spelling (Mon)

Have a wonderful day!




June 20

1)No Math

2)Auction tomorrow!

3)school ends in 7 days not including weekends!

June 16

1)No Math

*)Auction items

2)Auction next week

June 15 2023

1)Bedroom Math due tomorrow

*)Bring auction items

*)think about core competencies