Category Archives: Uncategorized

Thurs, Oct 22nd 2020

Good Afternoon


  1. Grade 6 math A, page 90, 1-5 (6 optional) due tomorrow.
  2. Grade 6 math B, Page 20 and 21.
  3. Grade 5 math, there is a quiz on Tuesday.

Language Arts

  1. LWW


  1. Sac a dos


  1. There will be no school tomorrow.
  2. Parents please sign your child’s Quiz/Test.

Thank you


Wednesday, October 21st, 2020

Good Afternoon



  1. Grade 6 math A, there are some division questions in our duo tangs.
  2. Grade 6 math B, page 20 and 21.


  1. There is music tomorrow.

Physical Education

  1. P.E strip


  1. Sac a dos


  1. All the students got their test back today. We would like all the parents to sign it, and do the corrections for there quiz.



Thank you-

Tuesday, October 20th, 2020

Good afternoon



  1. All the students will being doing the other half of the quiz/test next Tuesday.  (It got cut in half because we did not have time to review it on Monday.)


  1. Sac a dos (due October 30th)


  1. There will be a quiz tomorrow.

Physical Education 

  1. P.E strip

Language Arts

  1. The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe will be marked tomorrow with the whole class, and then the day after that we will need Ms. Zanette to mark them.

Thank you-


Monday, October, 19, 2020

Good Afternoon



  1. Grade 6 A math, test is tomorrow.
  2. Grade 6 B math, 18 and 19 due tomorrow, and there is a quiz tomorrow.

Language Arts

  1. Move on to chapter 4 if you are happy with your other answers. If you aren’t then continue your other questions form the previous chapters.


  1. Sac a dos

Physical Education

  1. P.E strip

Friday, October 16th, 2020

Good afternoon,




  1. Grade 5 math, there is a quiz on Tuesday.
  2. Grade 6 math A, page 41, 4-8, due Monday, test is on Tuesday.
  3. Grade 6 math B, page 16 and 17, due Monday.

Physical Education

  1. P.E strip


  1. Quiz is on Wednesday.


  1. Sac a dos , due October 30th.

Language Arts

  1. Read 20 mins


Thank you.

Thursday, October 15th, 2020

TGood afternoon



  1. Grade 6 math review is on Monday.
  2. Grade 6 math test is on Tuesday.
  3. Grade 6 math A, page 41, 4-8, due Monday.
  4. Grade 6 math B, page 16-17, due Monday.


Physical Education

  1. P.E strip

Language Arts

  1. The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe.


  1. Library is tomorrow, pleases bring your books.

Have a nice day.

October 14th 2020

Good Afternoon



  1. Grade 5 math, page 26 and 27 due tomorrow.
  2. Grade 6 math A, page 40, 1-3  due tomorrow.
  3. Grade 6 math B, page 14-15

Physical Education

  1. P.E Strip
  2. P.E tomorrow

(P.E will be every Tuesday and Thursday)


There will be music tomorrow.


Language Arts

  1. Lion the witch and the Wardrobe 1-3


Have a nice day…

Tues. Oct. 13th 2020


  1. Grade 5 math , page 24 and 25, due tomorrow.
  2. Grade 6 math A, page 38, 1-4 A and B only (number 5 optional,) due tomorrow.
  3. Grade 6 math B, page 13, 6B marked to: page 7, due tomorrow.

Language arts

  1. the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe chapters 1-3


  1. Photos came back today.
  2. Students pasted their final day plan in the back of their planner.


  1. Music tomorrow.



Have a nice day.


Tuesday, Oct. 6th 2020

Hello Division 3,

Please note that Ms. Zanette has been away this week.

Today students were asked to upload their Resumes onto their Teams account, under assignments. Students were also asked to complete a job application form and to complete their city posters for the game.

  1. Math 5 and 6 is due daily.
  2. Half of the class has not uploaded their resume or completed the job application form.
  3. Please ensure you have completed chapter 1-3 of LWW and have continued to read on.

Thank you, see you all soon.


Sunday, Oct. 4th 2020 ~ Welcome Division 3!

Hello Division 3

Please look at our classroom blog each day and encourage your parents to do the same – especially if you want them to stop asking what you have for homework ; ) Let them take a look for themselves : )

  1. Math is due Mondays to Thursdays for everyone
  2. Math 6B – please make sure your math has been marked
  3. LWW – complete the questions and read up to chapter 3 (Tues.)
  4. P.E strip daily – remember we will be outside a lot this year.
  5. RESUMES (Tues.) – we are applying for our jobs this week.
  6. City Posters – please ensure your posters are completed this week.
  7. Teams and Email – please begin to check your email regularly and take a look at Teams as we will be doing assignments through Teams from time to time.

Note: If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to email.

Hope everyone had a good Terry Fox Run.

~ Zanette