Category Archives: Uncategorized

Wednesday 10/6/2021

1. early dismissal tomorrow

*resumes due tomorrow

*grade 5 bike form due Friday

have a good afternoon or day 😀


Tuesday 10/5/2021

1.PE tomorrow

2.Grade 5 bike form (due Friday)

3. good copy resume due tomorrow

4. Students were given their photo cards and parents can now scan, log in and purchase pictures if they want.

have a good afternoon or day! 😀

October 10/4/2021

1.PE tomorrow

2.Grade 5 math homework due tomorrow in the morning

4.good copy resume due Wednesday

Friday 10/1/2021

1.div 6 did 122 laps!

2. Return Terry Fox pledge form on Monday Oct. 4

🙂 have a nice afternoon



Thursday 9\29\2021 school tomorrow

2.terry fox run on Friday=water-runners

3.shoe box due Wednesday October 13th

Tuesday 9\28\21

1. no school on Thursday

2. terry fox run on Friday

3. bring a computer every day if you have one

4. orange shirt day tomorrow

have a good day! 🙂


mon 9\27\2021

1. music in the morning tomorrow

2. shoes for PE

*grade 5 math finished by Tuesday

3. orange shirt

4. computer for tomorrow

5. good copy resume due October 5th

have a good day

Thursday, Sept. 23rd 2021

  1. draft resume Tuesday October 5th ~ Try to get your parents to help you with your ideas!
  2. life in a shoe box Wednesday October 13th – Find 10-15 items that represent you and put them in a box. Don’t tell your friends what is in there, as we will guess at school to see whose box it is.
  3. terry fox donation

Have a nice weekend and day : )

Wed sept 22nd 2021

  1. no school on Friday
  2. photo day on Thursday
  3. tell your ninja story to family
  4. grade 4  math binders

Tuesday, September 21st 2021

  1. PE tomorrow
  2. book for silent reading
  3. Student Verification Form by Thursday
  4. no school on Friday – Pro D Day.