Category Archives: Uncategorized

Today’s planner

1)bring money for book fair Friday

2)return math singed

3)autobiography due thus day next week

4)math booklet page 76 77 due Friday

5)check power point critria

Today’s planner

1)bring money for book fair on Friday or after school

2)check criteria for power point

*) work on autobiography,400 -500 words due thusesday next week gr3 400 gr4 500

Today’s planner

1) bring money for book fair

2) check criteria for power point

3) math word problem due tomorrow

Today’s planner

*)Bring money for Friday

2) check email for power point criteria

Friday January 27 2023

1. Booklet 10 72-75 Due Monday


Thursday January 26 2023

1. Math booklet 10 page 72-75 due Monday

2. Talent show and show and tell tomorrow

Today’s planner

1)math booklet 10 70-71 due Thursday

2)take the show on Friday and show and tell

Today’s planner

1)math booklet nine page 112 114 due wnsday

2)ask parents about heritage

3)show and tell on Friday also a talent show

Monday January 23 2023

1.Math booklet 9 page 112-114 due Wednesday

*.Pay due Wednesday

2. Talent show or show and tell Friday

*.New student Tomorrow

Today’s planner

1)math booklet 9 page.110 & 111

2)have math quiz signed

3) get reading article signed