Category Archives: My Inquiry Question for Science

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Owen’s science question

When sharks teeth fall out why do they reproduce  so quickly?       Owen

Kailyn’s Science Question

How come octapi have lots of tentacles?

My Science Question

What is DNA made of?

Caity’s-Science question

How can cats see in the dark?

Isaiah’s Science Question

How do bacteria multiply?

Dimitri science question

Why are octopuses so intelligent?

Octopuses are intelligent because they have learned to use their brains to survive under water. The act like fish and rocks in order to hide from their prey. People have studied their brain’s at university.

They have done tests around the world and the octopus is able to do puzzle, go through mazes and open jars to crab to eat.  In a new aquarium in California an octopus took the tube out of his water tank and directed it outside so the aquarium flooded because he was mad that he was held captive.

my science question

my question for science is how chameleons change there colour to blend in with there surrounding?