Category Archives: My Inquiry Question for Science

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isabella’s science question

why do pit bull’s drool?

Kai’s science question

Are Cheetahs genetically fast or do they have to train to become fast?

Natasha’s Science Question?

How do South American Basilisk  run on water?

Daniel – Science Question

How did wolves evolve?

P@uL’s InQuiяy QuESTi0и

Why do plants lean towards sunlight? 

Tahsin’s science question

What would happen if starfish disappeared forever?

Nolan’s science question

how does human skin reproduce?


Why are  turtles  slow?    ~josh~


Why do the tree leaves change colours in differant seasons?

My question

Do pitbulls have rights like any other dog? Not really. I want them to have the same rights like any other dog.