Category Archives: Science/Socials 1

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afiza what makes volacanoes an extreme enviroment?

Afiza                                                                                                                                                                                dec.20/12

What makes volcanoes an extreme environment?


My thoughts

A volcano can be two things a hole In the ground that lava comes out of or a mountain formed by lava. What makes a volcano or lava so hot?
Deep beneath the crust of a volcano it is so hot that rocks can melt. How long does it take for a volcano to awaken?
The eruption of mount st. Helens was the most destructive in the history of the united states. how hot can the temperature of a volcano or lava get?

Giving each other two stars and a wish on our science projects

isabella 5 key learning’s

Isabella journal

1.bulldogs are one of the most popular dog’s in America.

2.warren G. was the only u .s. president to own a bulldog.

3.some bulldog’s drool because they can not control it.

my 5 key leanings

                                                        Donald Journal #2                                                                     (1)Bacteria are very small. You can`t see them with your eyes so you use a microscope. For example if you look at a gram of soil you would see 40 million bacteria cells. This links to b1 because you would need a microscope to see it.                                                                                                                                                            (2)Ancient bacteria live in hot places in the world and true bacteria live everywhere else. This links to b1 because it was taking about how things adopt to their environments.

(3)Bacteria only have one cell, have no nucleus and are from the monera kingdom. This links to b1 because it says if it is a single cell or multy cell.                                                                                                                                                         (4)99.9% of E.coli`s DNA are found in our body.                                                                                                                                                        (5)If bacteria never existed we wouldn’t be alive because bacteria digest some of our food like mike and cheese no food= no vitamins = no people so bacteria is important

Manroop 5 learning key points

  1. I learned humans didn’t evolve from apes, rather, we and apes evolved from a common ancestor. That makes humans and apes related species like cousins.
  2. Human developed a brain that allowed them to think, love, and be individual persons.
  3. Evolutionary process is performed by mutations.
  4. Evolution only occurs when necessary for survival like new environment and weather change.
  5. I learned human and apes have some similar things: both are mammals and they both belong to the kingdom animalia.


my 5 key points and journal 2

Issy journal 2                                                            oct.25th, 2012

My 5 key points

1# moss is a non-vascular plant meaning that it

Have smaller roots called rhizoids.


2# rhizoids allow moss to grow in places other plants can’t for example; trees, rocks, ctr and clay.


3#moss will only grow in moisture areas because they can’t provide to eat moistures from what there hanging from. 


4#moss eats the moistures in the air and minerals from raindrops


5# moss liverworts and lichen are all related because moss and liverworts produce spores, moss and lichen both eat moistures from the air and they all are non-vascular.

Kailyn’s Journal 2#

Kailyn Dooley                                                                                                              Oct.25,2012

Journal 2#


  1. I learned that octopi have eight arms/tentacles to swim around the ocean.

I learned that octapi is short for octopuses, and octapi have six arms and two legs.


  1. I learned that octapi arms are built right out of the base of their heads. I also

learned that their six arms are used to eat their food, and their two legs are for

moving across the ocean ground.


  1. I learned that scientists now insist that octapi only have six arms.
  2. I learned that the most famous thing about octapi is that they have eight arms.
  3. Octapi arms grow back when there cut off.   

journal 2

Kai                                                                                                                                Oct 18 2012


1.  Cheetahs can run as fast as 75km. You could look under a microscope and see the muscles and bones and how there so different from other animals.B1 you can analyze the taste buds  thru a microscope. 

2.  Cheetahs mostly eat Gazelles and water buffaloes B2 you could analyze the taste buds.

3.cheetahs skin is peach colour with black spots.  X

4.cheetahs have retractable claws which are claws which go in and out. [

5. there are only 10000 cheetahs eastern Africa  B3 Cheetahs are multi seled animals and that means there animalia. “

Owen’s 5 key points

1. I learned that most sharks have somewhere in between 4 to 20 rows of teeth. 2. Sharks are always losing teeth . when a tooth from a row falls out the tooth from the row behind moves up and takes it’s place. PLO B2 links because sharks are adapting to losing their teeth. 3. Sharks lose about 20,000 teeth ina lifetime. 4. keep your eyes open on the beach you might see a shark tooth. PLO B3 links because sharks tend to live closer to the shore. 5. The first row of teeth is used for cutting food. PLO B1 links to number 1 because we could use a microscope to analyze their gums

Isaiah’s 5 key points

  1. The parts of bacteria are the flagellum, the pilus, nucleoid, ribosomes, plasma membrane, cell wall and the capsule. B3 because I am listing the characteristics of microorganisms.
  2. The study of bacteria is called bacteriology, which is a branch of microbiology. B1 because you can’t see bacteria without a microscope.
  3. If you lined up all the bacteria in the world, it would reach the end of the known universe, approximately 10,000,000,000 light years away.
  4. There are an estimated 10 million to 1 billion species of bacteria. B2 because I have adaptations.
  5. Bacteria are basically immortal. They can be killed by toxins and nutrient deficiency but not by age.