Category Archives: Science/Socials 1

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Tahsin’s Notes


What makes space an extreme environment?

                My Notes                 My Thinking
*Going to another planet would put too much pressure on you, so you would not be able to move to far in Space and it is a extreme environment   *On other planets the air or the temperature is really dangerous for example Pluto is extremely cold.

*We don’t even know what is out there because it is so dangerous no has ever roamed to far from Earth                                                                     

So space is like Earth but it is like 100000 times more dangerous. There even is no water in space and probably nobody roams to far from Earth because there are aliens!

Kailyn’s Notes and My thinking for volcanoes



  • Lava glows red and it sizzles and it could even melt a car!
  • Volcanoes are vents, or openings to the earth.
  • When a volcano blows its top ash rocks fly through the air and on to the ground.

 My Thinking

  • How hot are volcanoes when they don’t blow their tops?
  • Where does the lava made of? Is it made out of gasoline?
  • How hot can lava be if it could melt a car?


It is so far away it would take a couple months to get there (unless your ship has a hyperdrive XD) I wonder if people will ever live on mars.
Mars is about half the size of our planet earth. I wonder if mars ever had life on it.
Mars has very dangerous weather including giant storms. I Wonder if aliens are on mars.

Caity What makes space an extreme envirorment?


    Some of the challenges humans face in space is no air, the freezing environment and not enough fuel.

    Also in space you never know what planets and dangerous creatures out there in the galaxy.

    You have to wear a space suit and helmet with the tanks of air filled up to the top and maybe a few other astronauts.

My Thinking

    I wonder how much life is actually out there?

    I wonder how many planets are in space?

    I wonder if they will make people able to live on mars.

what makes an extreme enviorment?

•Most volcanoes live in the water before they erupt.
•Some volcanoes have no lava and they just have smoke. But that’s after they erupt.
•You always have to wear a special suit when you go near a volcano. Not when you are inside of it.

•How can the special suit help you when you go near a volcano?
*How can you know if a volcano is alive or not. Is it very hot up there or something.
•Why are most volcanoes so hot? I pretty sure it’s because of the lava but why is that so hot.

leafa space

  • Ø Most of the planets are covered in a layer of gas.


  • Ø In space it is very cold and there is no oxygen.


  • Ø There is no gravity in space so if you were not attached to something you would float away
  • Ø Why are most planets covered in a layer of gas?

  • Ø Why are most planets covered in a layer of gas?


  • Ø Why isn’t Pluto in line with the other planets?


It is so far away it would take a couple months to get there (unless your ship has a hyperdrive XD) I wonder if people will ever live on mars.
Mars is about half the size of our planet earth. I wonder if mars ever had life on it.
Mars has very dangerous weather including giant storms. I Wonder if aliens are on mars.

what makes a desert an extreme environment?



Deserts=no water

Why are deserts hot?

Dust devil (a tomato of dust) =dangerous

Why are some deserts cold?

Desert in B.C/Okanagan

Why is there no water?

Dimitri Earthquakes

 Notes  My thinking
*Earthquakes cause volcanos to erupt.  *More than 1000 Earthquakes shake the surface every day.

*More then 1000000 Earthquakes shake the surface every year.


*What causes so many  Earthquakes? *why are Earthquakes dangerous?

 *what starts  Earthquakes?

what makes volcanoes an extreme enviroment?-Drewyn


  • Volcanoes are mountains that Erupt magma from the planets core.
  • They are often found on the ring of fire, which is a circle around the pacific ocean. These hundreds of volcanoes are so active because of the unstable continental plates below shift mainly.
  • These magma mountains are one of the dangers of nature, as you could be climbing one and booooooommmm!!!!!!!! You could be doomed. Epically in B.C, we are right on the ring of fire.


  • They are one of the biggest natural disasters of all time.
  • They are so destructive; they sometimes blow up hundreds of miles of land. the damage can be deadly at close range.
  • Welcome to doom town. They are a natural disaster.