Category Archives: Class News


Yesterday I hiked up the mountain with my dog Bodhi. When we got there (SFU)   we stoped at Yeti Yogert and got Fro yo! I got pinapple and vinnila mixed!! I had many toppings!

Thanks for reading!!!!


im just saying -josh the guy who says alot of things

So when you are commenting, me on my other one if its a majoraty and most people say yes. Ill let you choose and dont be silly when you are doing it, like dont just keep picking your self. Then the ideas that mrs zanette put in my comments i will do and ya thats all i wanted to say

this was josh the guy who does alot of stuff.

At Home

Watching the Incredibals channel 51 9:o6 pm   -Loren

new uptats on what ill do if you want -josh your homeboy from the north

Hey all my goog looking class mates josh the guy who is going to say somyhing and right a really long paragraph here and all i want to know is what if I did top 10 best post if you do then tell me in the comments if you want me to do it or not and tell me when you want it do you want it week days only weekends only every day and if we are doing every day and I miss one then ill do like top 20 or somthing like that okay thats all i wanted to say and tell me in the comments or in class

this was josh the guy u read about every day im out peace!

When posting on our classroom blog…

  1. Posts should be related to classroom curriculum; for example, you can link videos that link to something we talked about in Science or Socials, you may post a question you had about something we talked about in class or a wondering you have.
  2. When posting, please click on the appropriate category AND your name, each time  (found on the right side of your post)
  3. Please do not use the blog to post personal comments
  4. Please read over the blogging guidelines located on the left of the main page if you are ensure.
  5. Please note that any posts that were inappropriate or uncategorized have been removed.
  6. I understand today is the first day on our blog, but lets make the posts more meaningful and posts that have students asking questions and sharing their knowledge with one another. ENJOY!  ~Mrs. Zanette


My favourite candy is mars bars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Whats yours? p.s only Div 3 can answer.

Halloween-Gen Blaine


pengins need to fly- noah

pengins need to fly because they are in danger by predators. they will get eaton so scientist give them wings please. 

grade6-7 dance -maks

            The halloween dance was awesome!! I danced some fast dances with some of my freinds and danced some of the slow dances with some girls it was great! BTW josh did something so corageous; he called a girl up to the stage and asked her to dance.. she said yes!! Gotta say that guy’s got guts I loved it!!

Halloween night!-Teagan

   I did’nt even go Trick or Treating! I colected food for the food bank! At the end I had about 14 bags full of food! (I did’nt turn down the candy when offered)
