Category Archives: Class News

Loonie Swim Tuesday June 2nd 2015

Hello Division 3,
If someone in your family has volunteered to drive to our Loonie Swim, please let them know we look forward to seeing them at 8:50am this Tuesday morning. Our swim starts at 9:30 and ends at 11am. Thanks to all parents in advance for helping us out with this event!

Divison 3’s Blog is now updated

Please feel free to browse our classroom blog, as it has currently been updated for this year. You will find some past comments and posts to give you an idea how the blog can be utilized.

Please note: Friday and Monday’s homework is posted below this post.


Mrs. Zanette

Science/S.S Projects

Division 3,

Keep in mind that your projects should be completed by the end of next week so that we can begin practicing our presentations for our gallery walk.

Reminders: Anyone who is doing the bonus questions…

Sustainability and the settlement patterns question was due by 3pm yesterday and no one asked for an extension. The creativity bonus is due by 2pm this Sunday.

Enjoy the snow!

Mrs. Zanette

Grades for “Natural Resources and Electricity”

Hello Division 3,

tomorrow (Tuesday) you receive your first grade for our large project. Please remember to look at the rubric, to see where you may be able to improve for the next section that we begin tomorrow. Tomorrow’s highlighted marks are both for Science. Note that you are also being marked on meaning and conventions, as discussed. Please look at your writing rubric in your writing duotang to see a thorough explanation of why you got the mark you did. This way you can see what you may need to work on before the next good copy is due.

Please see me sometime this week  if you have any questions.

Thank you!

Mrs. Zanette

Regarding your good copy paragraphs

Hello Division 3,

Please make sure that all of your good copy paragraphs that you want me to mark are in your folder. This is the folder with your number and name on it. I am noticing that some of you have not put your completed work into your folder. Also, please ensure the file that I am marking is labeled “1 Natural Resources Good Copy Paragraph” or something very similar.

Please remember that work should be done by 3pm Sunday. Some students have asked for feedback and other students have not. If you asked for feedback then you may not see feedback until Monday night, the day before you receive your mark.

Thank you, hope you are all having a good weekend.

Mrs. Zanette

I have marked your drafts of the Country Project

Hello Division 3,

For term 2 you will find a lot of posts on the blog so please check it regularly.

I have marked all of your Natural Resource/Electricity Drafts based on effort. Your effort is either N: Needs Improvement, S: Satisfactory or G: Good. I have used a plus/minus beside the letters as well. You will find your effort mark within your folders. Look at the name of the homework assignment file and beside number “1” you will find your letter. I will show this to you in class this week. Please note that if you show more effort on the next two assignments then I will disregard this effort mark, as it is your first assignment for the project and I think that with the feedback and examples you will have a better understanding of what is expected of you.

Thank you again,

Mrs. Zanette

Revising your drafts

Please note that your drafts should be updated by Tuesday afternoon, for when we begin our good copies. You can begin this now, if I have provided you feedback already. Tuesday, we will have time to revise our work, provide and receive feedback from a peer and we will begin working on our good copies during the week. NOTE: Good copies will be due on Friday.

Thank you,

Mrs. Zanette

Your whole project can be found on the blog now

Division 3, I have posted the entire Science and S.S project onto the blog (the booklet you have in your blue duotang)

Please look at the left column of the main blog page and find the title “Science/Socials”

Next, click: “Country Project Term 2” (you will not be allowed to alter this one)

P.S ~ I will be placing the “Optional Questions” section into your Google Docs folder by noon today (Sunday). It’s a rainy day everyone, so it is a good time to work ahead. This week we will be taking your draft and putting it into good copy form. I will be commenting on the rest of the class’ work today and I am following the order that was on the white board in the computer lab. Good luck everyone!

Mrs. Zanette

Students having trouble logging into Google Docs from home?

Hello Division 3,

If you can’t get into your Google Docs at home then please follow these steps:

  1. Type “” into your search engine (Chrome, Firefox etc.)
  2. At the top right hand corner, click “sign in”
  3. Once you have signed in, click on the block of nine black dots at the top right hand corner
  4. Click on “Drive” and you should be able to find your folder under “My Drive,” located at the left side of the page. (If you didn’t move your folder to “My Drive” on Friday then it is still under “Shared with Me”
  5. Good luck, please respond to this post if you have any difficulties.                 `Enjoy your weekend everyone!     Mrs. Zanette


what are you doing? -josh the person who wonders more than eneyone

hi every one josh the guy who blogs every day here and im just wondereing what are you doing today or tommaro leave what you are doing in the comments below or on the google documents accont and just so we are cl ear i will blog every day at rondom times it could be at eney time it could be at 9:00 pm it could be at 3:30 pm eney time so if your interasted in that then im glad I told you

thats all i wanted to say this was josh the incradably good looking bloger im out peace