Category Archives: Homework


September 23 2015
1. Math (grade 6)
2. Resumes (tom)
3. Pro-d day (Fri)
4. Early dismissal (tom)
5. Immunization (form grade 6)
6. P.e strip (tom)


September 22 2015
1. money quiz (Mon)
2. pro-d day (Friday):)
3. early dismissal (Wed and Thurs)
4. parent teacher interview (Wed and Thurs)
5. Resumes (students)(Wed)


September 2015
1. Safety patrol training (Mon)
2. parent interview/early dismissal(Wed and Thurs)
3. pro-d day (Friday)
4. immunization 6 grade’s

September 18 2015

1. Study for money quiz (Mon,Tues)
2. Parent newsletter (Mon,Tues$100 city game)
3. Parent interview(Mon)
4. City game notice read(Mon)
5. Grade 6 immunization notice(next Thurs)
6. Music notice
7. Entertainment book notice

September,17 2015

1. Notice package (tom)
2. City game notices (to read only)
3. Newsletter (Mon/Tues$100 city game)
4. Parent interview notice (Mon)
5. Music notice
6. Resume(students)
Optional Safety patrol notice(some kids)
7. Entertainment book notice
Grade 6’s only Immunization notice(next Tues)

September 16 2015


1. Safety Patrol Notice (Next Tues.)
2. Name tags due for those who did not finish (Thurs.)
3. Envelope of notices due this Thursday/Friday (Payments can be made on line)
4. Gym strip (Thurs)
5. Money sheet is completed and handed in (Thurs.)
6. Newsletter from Mrs. Zanette (Green) Please sign for next Mon/Tues.
7. Parent teacher interview notice (Hand in soon please, before next Mon/Tues.

September 15 2015


1. Our first Cross Country Practice is at 8am tomorrow. Please bring your signed permission form.
2. P.E strip for Thursday.
3. Remember to have the envelope of notices signed by Thursday or Friday. Payments on line can be made now.

Please note that this homework board is updated by students.

May 15th, 2015

  1. Math 6 PG. 233 #1- reflect Due Wed
  2. Math 5 PG.144 #4,5,7,8 and PG. 147 #4 And 5 due Wed
  3. Science On’s
  4. No school Mon
  5. Hot lunch on Fri.
  6. Book: 3/3 due may 26
  7. story #2
  8. me to we script due tuesday
  9. SMILE!

April 29 2015

1. Math 5 worksheets (thurs)

1. Math 6 quiz (thurs)

2. 2/3 book (may 12)

*. 6/7 dance (fri)

3. Begin science project

4. French (next fri)

5. SMILE!!!!!!!!!Jiggly Puff

April 28 2015

1. Math 5 pg.192 3+8 (d-f),9-12 pg.195 5-6 (wed)

1. Math 6 quiz (thurs)

2. 2/3 of story (may 12)

*. Bank clerk books (tom)

3.  Start (think about it) Science project.

4. SMILE!!!!!!!