Category Archives: Homework

Monday Nov.23

  1. Math 5 page 28 #5-8,10 c and d ,11 SWK #9 unit 1 test (Thurs)
  2. Math 6 page 90-91 1-10 (Wed)
  3. Iqbal draft due (Tom)
  4. Iqbal chapter 11-15 signed (Wed)
  5. Pro-d day (Fri)
  6. French quiz and sheet (Tom)
  7. Art due (Wed)
  8. Science draft due (Thurs)
  9. Iqbal good copy (Sat midnight)

Friday Nov.20th

  1. Math 5 page 27 #1-4 swk #7-8
  2. Math 6 work sheet (Mon)
  3. French quiz and sheet (Tues)
  4. Science booklet draft (Next Thurs)
  5. Iqbal interview draft (Tues)
  6. Iqbal good copy typed on Google Docs  (Next Sat)

Thursday Nov.19th

  1. Math 5 Page 24-25 #1-2 C and D #3-6,8 (Fri)
  2. Hot Lunch (Tom)
  3. Iqbal interview draft (Tues)
  4. Iqbal interview  good copy typed on Google docs (Next Saturday) If on lined paper, please hand in on Thursday as there is a Pro D Day on Friday.
  5. French quiz and worksheet (Tues)
  6. Iqbal chapter 14 and 15 (tom)

Wednesday Nov.18th

  1. Math 5 Page 22 #1-6 (Tom)
  2. Math 6 Test (Tom)
  3. Hot lunch (Fri)
  4. Iqbal interview draft  due (Next Tuesday)
  5. Iqbal interview good copy due on Google Docs on (Sat.28th) If you are handing it in on paper, this needs to be done by Thursday Nov. 26th 2015.
  6. Science booklet draft due (Next Thurs)

Tuesday Nov.17th

  1. Math 5 quiz corrections and signed (Wednesday)
  2. Math 6 Swk  and unit test (Thurs)
  3. Scholastics due (tom)
  4. Bank books thurs
  5. Iqbal interview(Next Thursday)
  6. French worksheet and  French quiz (Tues)

Thursday Nov. 12th

  1. Grade 5 math quiz (Fri)
  2. Grade 6 math  2 math sheets due tomorrow
  3. Hot lunch due Tomorrow
  4. Iqbal page 8-10 due tomorrow

Friday Nov.6th

  1. Math 5 P.G. 15 # 1-2 And P.G. 30 SWK #1-4.
  2. Math 6 P.G. 71-72 #1-Reflect.
  3. Science book (Tues)
  4. Iqbal chapters 5-7 sheet (Mon)
  5. Hot lunch forms due (Nov.13th)
  6. Gr.5 snow pass.


October 1 2015
1. comfort kits (Next Tues.)
2. Toonies/Loonies for terry
3. Grade 6 math sheet(tom)
4. Grade 5 math (P.G. 40-41 #1-4.)
5.Terry fox run. Dress for the weather.


September 28 2015
1. safety patrol meeting (Tom)
2. scholastic forms (Next Wed)
3. Review money quiz
4. P.E. strip tommorow


September 24 2015
1. No school (tom) 🙂
2. receive jobs (Mon)
3. immunization form