Category Archives: Homework
- math.5 pg.82 #1-3,5,7 (tom)
- math.6 pg.127-129 #1-6 reflect
- science project changes(tom)
- math.5 pg.82 #1-3,5,7 (wed)
- Math.6 pg127-129 #1-6+reflect
- French quiz(tom)
- science project Due (tom)
- MATH 5 PG.78 #8-12 (MON) FUN DAY (TOM)
- MATH.6 Bring protractor
- French quiz (tues)
- science project (tues)
- daily reading(tom)
- SMILE!!!
- Math 6 PG 118-119 #1-15 due (tom)
- Half of science project done (Tues) Full project done (Next Wed)
- Paris attack article (Tom)
- 4 Kids in this class need to bring back report cards. Please bring back as soon as possible
- Skiing Monday after school
- Math 6 pg.118-119 #1-15
- Math 5: no homework, review multiplication facts please
- Science project “Life of a Product”: Half due this Thursday by the end of class (Steps 1-3 or half). Project due next Tuesday and you will mark yourself by using your rubric (criteria). Tuesday night add touch ups if you like. Next Wednesday the final project is due.
- Report card due (These are late so have in when you can please)
- Bring mug for movie (tom)
- Bring snacks for movie(tom)
- Math. 5 practice sheet
- report card sighed
- skating and pancake breakfast(fri)
- bank clerk tom)
- Math. 5 pg.78 #2-7 (wed)
- Math. 6 pg.114 #1-reflect
- Bank clerk books (Thurs)
- Bring snacks for movie (Thurs)
- report card sighed (Thurs)
- sweat shop (tom)
- Math.5 pg.78 #2-7 (wed)
- math.6 pg. 114 1-reflect and quiz (wed)
- bring secret Santa gift (tom)
- French bingo game (tom)
- bring gingerbread candy and plate (tom)
- Math 6 page 111 number 1-reflect
- Math 5 page 78 number 1
- secret Santa (Tues)
- bring gingerbread house money Tues bring candy
- Math 5 PG.74 #3,4,8-10 (Fri)
- Math 6 worksheet due (Tom)
- Ginger bread houses. Bring 2$ by next Tues
- Hot lunch (Tom)
- Report cards coming home (Tom)
- Secret Santa (Tues)
- Notice