Category Archives: Homework

Thursday April 28

1. Math 5 – page 168-169 #4-6, 9-10 & get purple reflection sheet and quiz signed (Fri)

2. Math 6 – Page 257 #1-3 (Fri)

3. Novel Study Journal #2 (Mon)

4. Spring Fair “SPORTS” basket donations (May 13)


*bank books

Friday April 22

1.math 6 pg 250-251 # 1-reflect(due Wed)

1. math 5 pg 168-169 #1-3,7

2. pro-d day(Mon+Tues)

3.  french quiz(Wed)

4. spring fair baskets(Due May 9)

* . where black pants for dance club and choir

Thurs April 21 day(Mon-Tues)

2. hot lunch(Fri)

4.  french quiz(Wed)

5. spring fair baskets(Due May 9)

*. jump rope for heart(Due Fri)

6. novel study journal #1(Due Fri)

* . where black pants for dance club and choir

Wednesday April 20

1. math 6 test (Thurs)

1. math 5 quiz(Tom)

2. book fair (Tues-Thurs)

3. student LED’s (Thurs)

4. early dismissal (Thurs) 1:47

5. hot lunch(Fri)

6. study french sentence’s

7. spring fair baskets(Due May 9)

*. jump rope for heart(Due Fri)

8. novel study journal #1(Due Fri)

Tuesday April 19

1. math test (Thurs)

2. book fair (Tues-Thurs)

3. student LED’s (Thurs)

4. early dismissal 1:47

5. hot lunch(Fri)

6. study french sentence’s

7. spring fair baskets

*. wear black bottom’s choir.

8. novel study journal #1

Monday April 18

1. math 5 pg. 153-154 #3,5,9 pg. 144 #6 +pg. 147, 150, 154 reflect(due Mon)  test(Wed)

2. jump rope heart(due Tom)

3. student LED’s (Thurs)

4. book fair (Tues-Thurs)

5. book journal #1 (due Fri)

6. trade speech(due Tom)

7. hot lunch(Fri)

8. spring fair basket item(due may 7)

Friday April 15

1. math 5 pg. 153-154 #3,5,9 pg. 144 #6 +pg. 147, 150, 154 reflect(due Mon)  test(Wed)

2. jump rope heart(due 19) agreement(due Mon)

4.spring fair notice(due May 8)

5.we are silent(Mon) fair(Tues-Thurs)

7. novel study journal(Fri)

*.choir notice

Tuesday April 12

1. math 5 pg. 149-150(due Wed)

1. math 6 pg. 229-230 #1-8 or 1-reflect(due Wed)

2. hot lunch notice (due Fri)

3. jump rope for heart notice (due April 19)

4. pay(due Thurs)

5. french(due Thurs)

6. bake sale(Thurs)

*. choir notice(Fri)

*. bank clerk books(due Mon)




Monday April 11

1. math 5 pg. 149-150(due Wed)

1. math 6 pg. 229-230 #1-8 or 1-reflect(due Wed)

2. hot lunch notice (due Fri)

3. jump rope for heart notice (due April 19)

4. novel study ideas  (due Tom)

*. country ID (Tom)

Friday April 8

1. math 5 pg. 147 #1-5(due Mon)

1. math 6 work sheet(due Mon)

2.jump rope for heart(due April 19)

*. scholastic(due April 11)

3. country ID(due Tues)