Category Archives: Homework

Thursday-October 24th 2013

1. Gr.5 math page 62 #’s 1-,9,12 (all) and page 67 #’s 12+13 (all)/test Monday (Mon)

2. Gr.6 math page 82-83 #’s 1-16 (all) Test Wed.

3. Monster Mash @ 6:00pm (Friday)

4. Pro-D Day Friday

5. Pay due (Monday)

6. Anwnser 2 S.S questions (Wed)

7. SMILE!!!!!!!!

Wedsday-October 23rd 2013

1. Gr.5 math page 62 #’s 1-7,9,12 and Page 67 #’s 12-13 (all for all) (Mon)

2. schoolastic due thurs.

3. Gr.6 math page 80-81 #’s 1-13 (odd’s)

4. spelling test Thurs.

5. Sell magazines

6. pay due Mon.

7. Pro-D-Day Friday/Monster Mash Friday

8. SMILE!!!!!!!!!!

Monday-October 21st/13

1. Gr.5 math page 5-8 (all) (Wed)/page 67 #’s 10-11

2. schoolastic due Thurs.

3. Gr.6 math page 76-77 #’s 1-9 due Wed.

4. 6/7 dance NEXT Thursday

5. indivishual pictures on Wed.

6. science poster MUST BE HERE TOMAROW!!!!

7. paragraph due Thursday!

8. Mr.Post math test sighned

9. SMILE!!!!!

10. Iqbal: Why do some kids in Pakistan work in a sweatshop?        We Day: What makes We Day important? OR What inspired you most at We Day?

Thursday-October 17th 2013

1. Gr.5 math page 58 1-4 (a,b,c) and Gr.5 math page 66 5-9 (a,b,c)(Mon)

2. Gr.6 math page 72-73 (Mon)

3. schoolastic ( next Thurs)

4. family photo night notice

5. SMILE!!!!!!!

Wedsday-October 2013

1. Gr.5 math L:5 page 56 #’s6,8,9,11 and SWK: page 66 #’s 1-4 (Thurs)/math test sighed

2. Gr.6 math extra practice and #’s 1-8 due Thurs

3. Mr.Post math page 22 #’s 1-6 due Thurs

4. vollyball Friday morning

5. science poster corrections  due Thurs


7. canadian pizza plus notice

8. We Day $ due Thurs

9. We Day Friday!!!!!!!!

10. Family photo night notice

11. SMILE!!!!!!

Tuesday-October 15th 2013

1. Gr.5 math page 55 1-5 (Wed)

2. Gr.6 math page 66 #s 9,10,12

3. scientific method poster due Wed.

4. Canaidan pizza plus notice

5. $ for circuit

6. We Day Friday!!!!!!!!

7. SMILE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Wedsday October 9th 2013

1. vollyball practice Friday

2. Gr.5 math page 51 #’s 1,3-6 (Thurs)

3. Gr.6 math page 61-62 #’s 8-14 (all) due Thursday

4. circuit $

5. Spelling quiz (Thurs)

6. Me to We We day notice

7. monster mash notice

8. Pack form

9. Cross contrey meet Thursday


11. SMILE!!!!!!!!

Tuesday-October 8th 2013

1. Gr.5 math page 51 #’s 1,3-6 (Thurs) (a+b only!)

2. Bank books due Wed. (End of the day)

3. Monster mash notice (Monday October 21st)

4. pack involvment notice

5. Mr.Post  math group  homework due wed.

6. Gr.6 math 1-7 (all) pg 61 due wed.

7. circuit $

8. Spelling quiz Thurs.

9. Gr.6 shots Fri.

10. Vollyball practice Wed.cross contrey Thurs.

11. SMILE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday October 7th 2013

1. Gr.5 math homework page 51 #’s  1,3-6 (Thurs)

2. Gr.6 math page 61 #’s 1-7 (all) due Wed.

3. Gr.6 shots on Friday

4. Paragraph due Tuesday

5. Scientific method poster due NEXT Wed.

6. Mr.Post math page 15 #’s 1-2 page 16 3-5 (Wed)

7. Mad science Tuesday

8. Money for circuit $2.75

9. SMILE!!!!!!!!

Friday-October 4th 2013

1. Gr.5 math pages 46-47 #’s 9,12,13,16,17 (Mon)

2. Gr.6 math all

3. Copy of a paragraph (Tues)

4. Library and P.E Monday

5. We Day October 18th

6. Good copy Scientific method (Tues)

7. Cross contrey notice (Mon)