1. Art (wed)
2. Book 1/3 next teus
3.Math pg 190 #9,11,12,14, and pg 192 #1-2 and quiz signed
4. Orange sheet (teus)
5 hot lunch (fri)
6 jump rope for heart (tom)
7. smile 🙁 :(:(:(
1. Art (wed)
2. Book 1/3 next teus
3.Math pg 190 #9,11,12,14, and pg 192 #1-2 and quiz signed
4. Orange sheet (teus)
5 hot lunch (fri)
6 jump rope for heart (tom)
7. smile 🙁 :(:(:(
Posted in Homework
1. Math 6 pg 136-137 #1-3 (tom)
2. Math 5 worksheet (tom)
3. Jump rope for heart (teus)
4. No school (fri and mon)
5. Smile
Posted in Homework
1. Summer session notice
2. Math 5 pg 168-169# 1b,2b+c 9+10 (thurs)
3. Math 6 pg 201-202 #1-5 (thurs)
5. Auction items (tomz0
Bank clerk books
Posted in Homework
1. look at yesterday
2. pay (wed)
3. Bank clerk books (wed)
4. SMile
Posted in Homework
1. Math 6 flip cards (wed)
2. Math 5 pg 168-169 1-3,5-10
3. Bring auction items
Posted in Homework
1. Look at yesterday
2. science (wed)
3. Early dismissal 1:47
Posted in Homework
1. Math 6 show what you know #7-13 (wed)
2. White jade tiger test (wed)
3. White jade tiger box sheet (wed)
4. Movie
5. Science test (thurs)
6. Hair samples (tom)
7. Early dismissal 11:47 (wed)
8. Smile!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted in Homework
1. Math 5 test (mon)
2. Math 6 swk #1-6 (mon)
3. White jade tiger test (wed)
4. Science quiz (teus)
5. Movie
6. Hair samples (teus0
7. Girls basket ball 8:00 am practice (mon)
8. Social studies (mon)
9. speaking (mon)
9. SMILE 111
Posted in Homework
1. Student led conference times
2. Math 6 worksheets
3. Hair samples (teus)
4. Hot lunch (tom)
5. Social studies (tom)/mon
6. Math 5 test (mon) Reveiw (tom)
7. Movie night
8. ch 22
9.Science quiz (teus)
Posted in Homework
1. Math 6 pg 188 #1-reflect (tom)
2. Math 5 pg 110 #1a,2,3 (tom) Swk: 9,10, 12 -14 (tom) Review (fri) Test (mon)
3. Social studies (fri)
4. Ch 20 questions (tom)
5. Movie night
6. hot lunch
6. SMILE 🙂 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted in Homework