5 key point connecting to the P.L.O’s by Drewyn

My science questions is: could penguins fly?

#1 apparently long ago penguins where able to fly probably because of an earlier form of their evolution.                                                                                              


 #2 Maybe they where the size of small birds. But as they learned to hunt and eat fish, they became bigger until they couldn’t any more.


#3 still, sometimes they try. They jump off cliffs and flap their wings to soar, but they just splash into the water or slide on the ice below.


#4 they live in the Antarctic because they like it with no humans around. Unfortunately, we visit them in planes and helicopters and take some away to aquariums or zoos.


#5 they are losing their land mostly because of global warming. If they could fly now, then they could just go fly away to Argentina to live. But there are humans there anyway.


KEY: if penguins could fly, they may live a little bit longer.

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