Leafa’s 5 key learnings

#1. The colour of the leaves comes from 4 different chemicals, chlorophyll (green), carotene (yellow), xanthophyll (orange) and anthoyanins (red).


#2. The red chemical, anthocyanins, only comes into the leaves when the green chemical, chlorophyll, goes out of the leaves.


#3. Chlorophyll (green) can’t stay in the leaf in the rainy season because it needs photosynthesis (sunlight) to be in the plant. 


#4. The colour of the leaves is based on the months, weather and length of a day. As the days grow shorter there is less sunlight so the chlorophyll can’t stay in the leaf.


#5. During the summer, leaves make more glucose than needed for energy and growth. The extra is turned into starch and stored until needed.

A Question I still have is, Why do trees have leaves?



PLO Connections


1. This connects to B1 because you need a microscope to see the chemicals and other parts of a leaf.


2. This connects to B3 because a leaf is a multi-celled organism and the chemicals are cells.


4. This connects to B2 because a tree must be in not too dry, not too wet land because if there is not enough water the tree will get to dry and die and if there is too much water the tree would suck in so much liquid and die.

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