Oct 18th-Thursday’s Homework

First of all, I’m noticing that the homework is not being posted every day??? My apologies, I will look into that. Division 3, it looks like you all had a great day with the T.O.C yesterday. That is wonderful to hear!

  1. Science Project should be completed or very close to completed by Tuesday. I am concerned as I am in the classroom looking at a lot of posters that have barely been started??? If you left something at school, than please find a way to get most of your project done this weekend.
  2. Math 5 pg. 58-59 #1-3 (a,b,c), 5,6,8 (Mon)
  3. Math 5 Unit 2 Test next Friday
  4. Math 6? Hopefully you wrote this in your planners yesterday? (Mon)
  5. Grade 6’s who want to be Peer Mediators, this is due Tues
  6. Your 5 favourite and most interesting key points for your Science Project and you need to link 3 or more of the Science PLO’s to these points. (Mon)
  7. Banking should have been completed and handed in yesterday (Please have for Mon if you have not completed this)
  8. P.E (Mon)
  9. Library -you may have some books you took out for research (Mon)
  10. Blog: make sure you have commented onĀ 2 student’sĀ science questions on the blog (Mon)

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